Nice Video Chase

Another tasty morsel from DEVO U-19er Chase Orrick. Follow DEVO DH frontman, Taylor Borucki as he tries to make the USA dh team and race the World Championships this June in Italy. Go Taylor, Go Chase.

Alert! Alert!

Parents and DEVO riders:  if you do not have your registration forms filled out and turned in to Annie or Chad Cheeney by Monday you CANNOT RIDE at practice this week.  Bummer!  Don’t let that happen!  This is for everyone, even if you have been on the team 20 years.    All Jr DEVO rides […]

Top Secret Training Camp

Top Secret Training Camp attendees need to RSVP at the Cyclery by 6pm monday night or it will be cancelled. So far only Hank Stowers has made contact with Russ. Call him at 247-0747. Yo will need $50 for the cooked meals, sleeping bag, toothbrush, 3-5 pairs of chamois, jersey and socks, U-19ers need tent, […]

A Good Spring Time Reminder

I was recently reminded that the majority of cycling on this green earth is in the name of transportation and not racing. We are lucky to live in a place where we can do both. Keep it up.

Coaches Annie and Chad Need a Place to Live

We have been asked to move out after nine years of rental paradise. So now Annie and I need a new place to call home. Please contact us if you have a sweet scoop. We are cyclists so you know our money situation. Thanks, Coach Chad.