Jr DEVO Registration is Closed

We are all done accepting DEVO riders for the spring session. Sorry if you are late getting this news. The fall season starts in Sept and we usually get started registering a month before the actual rides start. Keep it real and ride your bike. 

Bicycle Bob Says "Ride On DEVO" From Costa Rica

  Cycling has carried me far! From a wobbly spin around the yard as a 6 year old, to a ride around the block at 8, the boundries grew. At 12, my buds from the hood and I did a hilly 30 mile round trip to the lake. Many moons later, the miles piled on […]


It is always sweet when the DEVO season finally gets underway. The paperwork and sign-up period ends and the fun begins. The U-14 boys ride went off with out a hitch on monday, as the team rode up lions den and tested the thaw around the FLC campus trails. Elliott Slaslow was in England and […]

Chad and Annie are Moving

Yep, thats right, we’re Oklahoma bound. We both have landed jobs in the suburbs of OKC, OK for the summer. Annie found work at the local library, and Chad will start at a paper plant in mid june. Turns out that Durango is just too darn expensive. DEVO will continue on through the year and hopefully do […]