Opinion on the Wilderness Options for the Columbine District

There is no option that will work best for our Columbine district. The San Juan Public Lands’ draft management master plan is just another step closer to turning our sweet, sweet forest lands into Wilderness. There is no problem with over use or conflicting user groups in the area stated for Wilderness. How many people do you see on average in the Hermosa drainage per visit? There is no development, oil and gas or anything bad going on in our woods. We, as cyclists, must join forces with the other user groups, motorized and non, to stop this. The messed up thing is that oil and gas companies back this master plan. Its sad how they sell us “good” ideas. The best thing we all can do is make a specific and educated commentClick here to send a comment. Remember None of the Options are Good. Our Forest is Ours to Save. Just a concerned citizen.