Jr Devos Tuesday Night

 1st through 5th graders can meet the coaches and sign up on tuesday night. Be prepared to fill out several forms, one in particular a noted “doozy.” Forms can be printed off this site, just look down.  Jerseys will be sold for 30 a child. We will also talk weather and trail conditions. If your child does […]

DEVO Meetings Tuesday and Wednesday

Meetings will be taking place for all DEVO spring and summer riders and racers this upcoming week. I cannot remember them at this moment so please scroll down and check the dates. Also, it looks as if there is to be a DWC sign up meeting on the same night as one of our meetings. […]

Wanaka, New Zealand is Rad

chad-005.jpg, Sweet epic ride on the Dunstan Range, I missed the snow so they took me to some chad-007.jpg, Doug and David and I in the misty mountaintop morningchad-012.jpg, Annie got the stomach bug from Mica, so they ate green beans in the tent

Pictures of the Moon

 anne.jpg, she was having too much fun in Wanaka’s version of Horse Gulch chad.jpg, getting tricky in Sticky Forest annegap.jpg, the locals take good action shots and are totally down for anything chadanneryan.jpg, my old college cycling pal is a personal chef and an excellent tour guide in Arrowtown epicday.jpg, a sweet sweet day in […]

New Zealand is Amazing

Good day to yall. NZ has been amzing so far. The rides have been spot on. Anne and I ride every day in some place new. Little River, Acaroa, Timaru, Wanaka, and Queensland so far. Epic views and tons of sheep scattering the hillside. With no watch and no clue what day it is, the […]