Iron Horse Bicycle Classic is Around the Corner

May has been amazing so far and it is about to get even sweeter in a few weeks when the Iron Horse Bicycle Classic rolls into town. This year’s event has plumped up by popular demand by adding a time trial in the animas valley on friday. Friday also brings the third annual Durango DEVO […]

Todd Wells 18th in World Cup #3

Madrid Spain was the World Cup that Todd Wells led the entire field after the first of seven laps. Can you imagine how fast he had to of been going? Dang! After his amazing start he faded and eventually finished in 18th place, good for second of the Americans. Jeremy Horgan-Kobelski  was the top finisher at 15th […]

Chalk Creek Stampede was Delicious

Durango DEVO’s 2nd team race of the season took place this past weekend in Nathrop, Colorado at Taff and Keith Darner’s sweet cattle ranch located in the foothills below Mt. Prinston. Friday night the team camped and had spaggetti together. The weather was pretty chilly at first, but the cold winds died down and saturday […]