Parents on Rides

Sorry parents, 2008 will officially be the first year that parents are not allowed on DEVO rides. Do not worry, you have not been bad, it is a learning thing. We believe that children are more apt to learn in a group setting when they have a trained coach to pay attention to. Have nice […]

Top Secret Training Camp is April 4-6

Yes, TSTC is going to be amazing and is open to all u-14 and u-19 male and female athletes. Desert riding at it’s best. Athletes must RSVP through Russ, owner of the Durango Cyclery, by March 31st at 6pm. Schedule will be made public late March. Basically, riders will be dropped off at base camp friday early […]

U-19 News 3-20

Yo DEVO, the season is around the corner. Detailed practice schedules will be out soon, but for now women will practice with Kricket Lewis monday 4:15-6:15, wednesday 4:15-6:15 and Friday 3-5:30 all rides meeting at the rec center, and ending as well. The men will be tuesday 4:14-6:15, wednesday 4:15-6:15 and friday 3-5:30. Again, meeting […]

U-14 DEVO News 3-20

Hey there middle schoolers. Things are moving fast now that Anne and I are back. The season starts the first week of April, so please have all paperwork to us by then. If you do not place a medical and release of liability form in our hands, you will not be able to practice. Detailed schedules will be on […]


Hello parents, We had a good sign up meeting tuesday night and there is still room on all of our rides. Please make note that paper work needs to be in our hands before the first rides. We will not accept any day of ride registration. Forms can be printed off by clicking on parent […]