Animas Orthopedic/ Durango DEVO Short Track Series

Durango DEVO’s popular summer short track series is in search of a title sponsor for the 2009 season. The 10 race series takes place every wednesday night at 6pm from June through August. The venue changes throughout the series and new ideas are always appreciated. Short Track racing is a mountain bike race around a […]

Squawker Cup #6 Results

race-6-squawker-cup-results DEVO rider Howard Grotts took his first cyclocross victory on sunday, riding his new used steed masterfully through the mud. The B mens field could not hold off the young lad as his Dad cheered with an echoing voice. Former U-14 rider and upcoming U-19 rider, Elliott Saslow was also on hand, racing to a 12th place […]

Squawker Cup #5 Results

Another nice sunny day drew 70 racers and 100 spectators out to the track as Travis Brown and Teal Stetson-Lee took to the tops. Durango DEVO athletes Howard Grotts and Elliott Saslow placed 3rd and 10th in the B category, the race being Elliott’s first cyclocross race. Check the full results here.race-5-squawker-cup-results Have a nice thanksgiving […]

Squawker Cup #4 Results

It was a bright and sunny day. Results4-squawker-cup-results DEVO U-19er Howard Grotts just got his first cross bike and rode it to a second place finish in the B category race. Nice work!