Todd and Troy Totally Take Top Two Todium Tsteps

The Wells brothers took number 1 and 2 at round four of the USGP cyclocross series in New Jersey today. It was the first time the brothers have finished on top in a big event. Dang. Read the race report here. Nice work.

Cycling in 1896 This sport has been around for quite some time. According to the Social History of the Bicycle, Americans spent, in 1896, an estimated $200 million on bicycle repairs and accessories alone, and another $300 million on bicycles.

Watch Sweet Cyclocross Racing Action Here

It is the season for riding on grass. Watch the amazing cyclocross season unfold here at They do a great job of covering the action from the US’s growing scene.

Cycle Squawk with Todd Wells

Todd Wells will be the guest on Russ and Chad’s call in cycling talk show, Cycle Squawk. Today, tuesday 1130-12pm on 91.9 and 93.9fm will dial to be dialed into for all your early November cycling tidbits. Local college radio station, KDUR has been airing the call in show since early summer and the show […]