2008 DEVO Summer Shred Schedule

 dsc_0292josii.jpgis a picture of Todd Wells racing last season. TWells will be riding with us this spring to help us keep our chins up and our elbows in, as we […]

2007 DEVO Ladies Rocked

teampic1.jpgThank you Sarah for an amazing first year for DEVO women.Good luck in Argentina with your family.We will miss you! 

DEVO Winter Athletes

We’ve been hearin things lately about the off season antics of the DEVO riders. Alisha Rose Pastore, Gino Pastore, Evan Elliott, Paige Elliott, Sepp Kuss, Hannah Madden, Elliott Slaslow have […]

2007 DEVO Telegraph Hill Time Trial Results

Course Records: Nick Gould 14:55 2005, Matt Schriver 15:06 2004, Ned Overend 15:11, Coach Chad 17:05 2001, Coach Sarah 19:48 2007, Shonny VanLandingham 17:232001 4.20.2007 Alisha 21:14, Nora 28:24, Hannah […]