Durango Devo Chooses to Bypass Getting Any Insurance for 2011

“Its just so darn expensive” Those were the words out of all of our mouths at the last Devo Board meeting, “so we just axed the whole insurance thing.” said Director Sarah. “We figured, Coach Chad looked all 1970’s with those silly big red glasses and the long un-combed hair, and the beard, what modern cyclist has […]

Attention Devo Jr parents!!!

Due to our 20″ group filling up in 6 hours, I have changed the Thursday group to both 20″ and 24″. We have four coaches who will split that Thursday group up into a 20″ group and 24″ group for practices!! So, if you did not get in on Tuesday 20″ go ahead and register […]

U14 Coach Evan Elliott Still Recovering from Wrist Injury

U14 Devo Coach, Evan Elliott will be forced to sit out his 2011 coaching duties. After breaking his wrist in the Pro Mens National Championship race in Sol Vista last July, Evan had surgery to place pins and plates to support the recovery. He must now get surgery to take the metal out, meaning another period of […]

Howard Grotts is Fast

U19er Howard Grotts had a terrific summer season with DEVO and now is taking it to the college kids. Racing for Colorado School of Mines, The Hammer has managed to win 4 of the 6 races he has entered. Way to Go Howard!

Attention returning Devo Jr parents

If you find that the group you want is full, please email sarah at sarah@durangodevo.com  We will create new groups or squeeze you in for any returning Devo families.  We don’t want to lose you!!!!!!!!