The Devo Halloween ride met at the Trials comp at Santa Rita Park at noon last Saturday! There was a spooky kids’ trials course that weaved in and out of the rocks with spiders, spider webs, skulls, etc. Most kids went home that day with spider webs stuck in their bars and wheels! We then headed on the Spirit Trail towards the cemetery. It was a perfect day with kids and parents in costume. We all met at the top of the cemetery at the gravestone of ‘Mr Sloan’ where Sarah told the story about ‘Mr Sloan the mailman’ whose spirit still walks amongst the woods looking for his lost letter. WE then bombed down the hill back to the trials comp to watch the pros hop, pop, jump, and stick to big boulders. Big thanks to Ryder Okumura, Red Bull, and Steamworks for helping make the event such a spooky success!

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