Hey everyone, this is River, I am on the U14 team. Now that it is nearing Christmas time, tis’ the season to give back, and my Mom and I were thinking to do just that. We are making t-shirts and hoodies to sell to anyone and everyone who wants one, and when you buy it you know that 50% of the profits are going directly to Durango DEVO. You can have one of the 2 designs that we made, you can see then in the attachments to this message. And we have lots of different colors and sizes in hoodies and tees. Here is a sample of the type of hoodie (the tee shirts look like any other tee shirt):

g185_77_pThe tees will be $8 and the hoodies will be $18.

Please order soon as we need to know how many we need to make, as we are printing as orders come in. But none of this can happen without your support, so please help out and give back this holiday season by supporting Durango DEVO, and catching up on your christmas shopping. As Chad would say, “This is gonna be sweet!”

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