It is always sweet when the DEVO season finally gets underway. The paperwork and sign-up period ends and the fun begins. The U-14 boys ride went off with out a hitch on monday, as the team rode up lions den and tested the thaw around the FLC campus trails. Elliott Slaslow was in England and we missed him. Kricket and the U-19 ladies took off towards Horse Gulch and followed it up with some pen and paper observations. High Fives were seen in the distance. Tuesday’s jr. DEVO 20inch ride, led by coaches Evan Elliot and Annie Cheeney found several hours of fun honing their skills at the bmx track. The U-19 men took off from the rec center and rode Stacey’s in perfect riding weather. Taking our pulse at the high point led us to the conclusion that we have our work cut out for us after the long winter season. All in all, it has been a great start to the season. Today DEVO will take to the trails with 6 rides going off from different locations; 1st graders, 24inchers, AllGirlsRide, U-14 girls, U-19 Ladies and U-19 Mens. Lets keep it up.alishaweb.jpg 

Chad and Annie are Moving

Yep, thats right, we’re Oklahoma bound. We both have landed jobs in the suburbs of OKC, OK for the summer. Annie found work at the local library, and Chad will start at a paper plant in mid june. Turns out that Durango is just too darn expensive. DEVO will continue on through the year and hopefully do just fine. Rides led by Chad and Anne will be led by the oldest rider, as of Dec 31st, on each team. Please contact chad@durangodevo if your child will be eligible to lead team practices.  April Fools!

U-14 and U-19 Practice Times

All April and May U-19, U-14 practices meet at the Rec Center south parking lot. 

  •  U-14 Boys; monday 415-615, Friday 330-545
  • U-14 Girls; wednesday 415-615, Friday 330-545
  • U-19 Boys; tuesday 415-615, wednesday 415-615, friday 330-545
  • U-19 Girls; monday 415-615, wednesday 415-615, friday 330-545
  • April 25th U-19, U-14 Telegraph Hill Climb Time Trial
  • May 16th ”                                                   “
  • April 12th Fruita team race
  • May 3rd Nathrop team race

Nice Video Chase

Another tasty morsel from DEVO U-19er Chase Orrick. Follow DEVO DH frontman, Taylor Borucki as he tries to make the USA dh team and race the World Championships this June in Italy. Go Taylor, Go Chase.

Alert! Alert!

Parents and DEVO riders:  if you do not have your registration forms filled out and turned in to Annie or Chad Cheeney by Monday you CANNOT RIDE at practice this week.  Bummer!  Don’t let that happen!  This is for everyone, even if you have been on the team 20 years.  

  •  All Jr DEVO rides are 4-6pm

Top Secret Training Camp


Top Secret Training Camp attendees need to RSVP at the Cyclery by 6pm monday night or it will be cancelled. So far only Hank Stowers has made contact with Russ. Call him at 247-0747. Yo will need $50 for the cooked meals, sleeping bag, toothbrush, 3-5 pairs of chamois, jersey and socks, U-19ers need tent, camp chair, power bars, and a smile. The camp is 32 miles from town, on the left before Aztec. Map will be out soon. Carpool from Rec Center south parking lot on Friday after school. Pick up on Sunday 3-4pm at Top Secret Camp site. Each teams coach will be attendance for the weekend, along with several top secret guests. There are no showers at camp and we will have a private toilet. Sounds good? Camp Itinerary will be out soon. Questions call Chad 764-5758 RSVP call Russell at 247-0747 by 6pm on monday. Thanks

A Good Spring Time Reminder

I was recently reminded that the majority of cycling on this green earth is in the name of transportation and not racing. We are lucky to live in a place where we can do both. Keep it up.

Coaches Annie and Chad Need a Place to Live

We have been asked to move out after nine years of rental paradise. So now Annie and I need a new place to call home. Please contact us if you have a sweet scoop. We are cyclists so you know our money situation. Thanks, Coach Chad.

Jr DEVO RosterNationNews 2008

  • All Jr DEVO rides are 4-6pm 

Here it is jr DEVO folks; an up to date list of each of our spring season sign-upees. If you find your childs name below, that means we have recieved something from you indicating your interest in that ride. You should be turning in 3 to 4 signed forms and $ for each of your children. We will be starting this upcoming week. Our coaches are stoked to ride with your children. Each ride will have a USA Cycling certified coach on hand. Each ride will focus on a specific skill, so ask you kids how to ride at the end of the day. Sorry parents, no riding along this year. We will be assisted by Fort Lewis College cycling team members on our larger rides. Please remember to pack your child a snack for the ride, snacks rule and bonks make you drool. Please contact with any registration stuff. Have a nice Sunday.

  • 20′ Tuesday Ride with Coaches Evan Elliott and Annie Cheeney; Cameron Cunningham, Jason Caplin, Liam Foster, Alex Caplin, Ozio Mills, Elias Roberts, Lukas Adamski, Will Martella, Max Sinberg, Maddie Strum,  Marisa Looney and Zoe Furer 
  • 6&7 Year Old Ride with Coach Deb Hall; Ethan Holst, Luke Nicholsan, Maddie Jo Robbins, Calvin Chase, Corbin Reiter, Carter Reiter, Kacey Chen, Lucy Hickox, Emery Hannum and Jack Beattie
  • 24′-26′ Wednesday Ride with Coach Greg Lewis; Charlie Greenburg, Lucas Robbins, Devon Felien, Chase Pierson, Kevyn Latham, Owen Dahlberg, Beau Crist and Nash McNichol
  • ALLGirlsRIDE on Wednesday with Coaches Annie Cheeney, Sabina Kraushaar, Melissa Mayer and Kendra Holmes; Jossie and Elly Earl, Ellen Campball, Peyton Floyd, Indigo Farmer, Martina Panzee, Anne Chase, Bryn and Mira Joyner, Emma Aggelar, Ally Hall, Maddie Shalone, Sadie Smith, Ellie Fielen, Katja Freeburn?, Emma Greenburg, Bryce Ward, Abbey Allsopp, Teagon Garland, Camryn Sippy, Sabina Lindler, Avra Saslow and Hannah Smith
  • 24′-26′ Thursday Ride with Coaches Chad Cheeney and Greg Lewis; Zachary Mickelson, Charlie Greenburg, Derrick Pansze, Grace Pansze, Amanda Schwartz, Devon Feilen, Chase Pierson, Drew Allsopp, Kelly Perry, Spencer Mooney,  Harrison Quick, Sophia Quick, Ben Martella, Avra Saslow, Eno Ulshafer and Cole Johnson 

DEVO Roster as of Monday Night

  • U-14 ladies; Elyse Massone, Emily Schaldach, Amy Katz, Kaylee Blevins, Hannah Quick, Lilly Oswald, and Coach Jess Reed
  • U-14 boys; Elliott Slaslow, Levi Kurlander, Haakon Sigurslid, Hank Stowers, Chris Blevins, James Shahan, Stephan Davoust, Sepp Kuss, Tucker Leavitt, Gino Pastore, Colin Francom, and Coaches Chad Cheeney and Greg Lewis
  • U-19 ladies; Joan Walker, Kayla Hart, Hannah Madden, Alicia Rose Pastore and Coach Kricket Lewis
  • U-19 men; Kyle Horn, Chase Orrick, Howard Grotts, Taylor Borucki, Dan Walker and Coach Chad Cheeney

If your name is not on any of these lists, please call us at 764-5758 and we’ll get it sorted out. Have a nice day!

DEVO News 3-27

Things are happening slow right now. Our landlord wants to move back in to his house, by May 1st, and has asked us to move out after 9 years of sweet Durango life. We are supper bummed. I actually cried all day and I have a beard and everything. DEVO is still on this upcoming week. Rosters, numbers and that stuff will be later than earlier due to our predicament. Please contact us with any sweet commutable housing ideas. Thanks.1202658868-1.jpeg 

Top Secret Training Camp NEW DATES

TSTC’s new dates are April 4-6th. This is classified information and should be whispered when delivered. For registration, please contact or visit with Russell at the Durango Cyclery. Please register with Russ by March 31 which is a monday. The secret location is 32 miles from Durango. The $50 camp is open to all U-14 and U-19 male and female DEVO riders. Each teams’ coach will be in attendence as well as several top secret super stars. We need those planning to attend to RSVP ASAP with RUSS at 247-0747. We cant wait! 


Good Tuesday to you all. The season starts next week my friends. Are you ready? We are getting ride lists set up at the moment, with final rosters to be here around friday. Look below to find a complete list of jr DEVO forms and schedules. The trails are still muddy and the sun is out oh so sweetly. DEVO practices will be going on as scheduled. Spring trail riding will prove to be a tricky endeavor this year, and it is our aim to teach the jrs how to respect the trails. Have a nice day and please contact or with any questions.

Form-O-Rama, the latest in Jr. DEVO Forms

This was the 2008 edition, 2009 coming soon