Thank You Carol

Check her out flying the U-19 team colors at the Mount Evans Hill Climb this next month. Carol was very excited to don the black, red and chex, and talked about the changing times. “When I was growing up, girls did not have this at all…..the life skills that they will gather from this program are priceless.” Thanks Carol.

Deer Valley National Race and Tad

DEVO alumni, Tad Elliott placed 15th in todays pro men cross country race. Recent short track attendees, Ryan Trebon and Andy Shultz finished 1st and 4th in the same race. The ladies race was dominated by the Luna Chix squad, finishing 1,2 and 3. Nice. U-19er Chase Orrick raced the jr expert category to an 11th place finish. Good luck to coach Evan in tomorrows semi pro downhill final.

Colorado Trail Update

A strong team of volunteers cleared trees on our adopted section of the Colorado Trail yesterday from Champion Venture down to Gudy’s Rest. The Forest Service gate at the Animas Overlook was opened Monday and Hermosa Tours shuttled us up Junction Creek, past the Animas Overlook to Champion Venture without issue. 23 trees were cut on this trip and the trail is clear to the Wall’s Gulch bridge. (Good News: The bridge is still there, too::). There are snow patches from the bridge up to High Point.
On previous outings we cut trees from Dry Fork to High Point and from High Point to Wall’s Gulch bridge clearing approximately 60 trees total. We’ll be working on the tread from Champion Venture to Gudy’s this weekend and would be happy to see you if you decide to go for a hike or ride.
Thanks for your support. Remember, tonight is the Durango Bike Week Street Fair from 4-7p on Main between 10th and 11th streets.
Special thanks to our hard-working volunteer crews.
Happy Trails,

KDUR to Premier Bike Radio Show Friday

Yep. Bicycling is on the air on 91.9  FM at 11am friday morning. A new bike talk show will premier on the sweet local college station KDUR. The show will be hosted by the crew at Durango Cylclery during a live remote at the shop. The premier will be followed by the classic Durango resale show, The Trading Post. Starting a week later, Bike Squawk will start its weekly coverage on tuesdays from 1130am the 12 pm. Hosted by DEVO coach Chad and local cycle shop owner Russ, the show will discuss all things bike, with the main model being responding to listeners questions. Should be fun. Make sure to tune in tuesdays, 1130 to 12pm.

Results for Factory Trails #3

June 25th

B Women; 1.Kaila Hart, 2. Hannah Madden, 3. Summer Ellefson, 4. Annie Cheeney, 5. Sarah Autry

B Men; 1. Chris Blevins, 2. Elliott Saslow, 3. Jack Ellefson, 4. Cully Brown, 5. James Shahan, 6. Cordon Pringle

A Women; 1. Alicia Rose Pastore

A Men; 1. Ryan Trebon, 2. Tad Elliott, 3. Travis Brown, 4. Troy Wells, 5. Drew Elliott, 5. Erich McAlister, 6. Chad Cheeney, 7. Nate Whitman, 8. Frank Mapel, 9. Gino Pastore, 10. Joe Burtoni, 11. Lars Ellefson, 12. Sepp Kuss, 13. Cody Stephenson, 14. Joe Autry, 15. Howard Grotts, 16. Kyle Horn, 17. Steve Autry, 18. Robin Guillaume 

*Next week in the gulch for the sport ridge lapper. 

June 16 results

June 9 results

Bike to Work Week

This Friday will be the big Bike to Work Week celebration, taking place downtown fro 4ish to 630ish. Come on down and check things out. DEVO head coach, Chad Cheeney will be there timing commuters, racers and children alike on his random DEVO Obstacle Popsicle course. Ride your bike.

STXC Photos

Jeanne Pastore, Mother of Gino and Alicia Rose, snapped these photos of last wednesdays short track at the factory trails. Tonight the STXC will take place at the same location.

DEVO Short Track #3 Wednesday at the Factory Trails

Yep.devo-shorttrack-schedulewill happen at 6pm for the B’s and 630pm for the A’s at the high speed track located in the Factory Trails. Head up to  the southern tip of campus at 530 to register and bring a 5 dollar bill to support the DEVO squad. Last weeks event saw 30 participants suffer their faces off, the winners being, Hannah Madden and Elliott Saslow in the B’s and Alicia Rose Pastore and Travis Brown in the A’s. See ya’ll there.

Commuter Challenge

 The 2nd annual Commuter Challenge will take place on Thursday, June 26 as part of the expanded Durango Bike Week event. Please go to <>  for details on the event and to register for the Commuter Challenge. Click on ‘Thursday’ to see the registration form. Please make sure to fax in the registration form (247-2513) by June 15.

 Awards will be given in three categories: one for small companies (under 25); medium companies (26-199) and one for large companies (200 plus). The winner will be chosen at the Durango Bike Week Street Fair taking place on Main Street on Friday, June 27 between 10th and 11th from 4p-7p. The Commuter Challenge winner will be awarded at 5:15 pm and we’d like a representative from your company present. The Trek Cruiser (hanging at Carver’s) will be given away at 6pm.

 Many of you have inquired about employees who have long commutes so we will accept employees who drive in, park their car and ride at least one mile to work. The phone number for the ‘T’ is: 259-5438.

 Feel free to direct any questions to Trails 2000 at 259-4682.

 Thanks for participating.

Happy Trails-Mary Monroe

Trails 2000 and the entire BTWD Committee Challenge

July Jr. DEVO Session to Begin in July

Director Annie Cheeney has headed up what is being billed as the first Jr DEVO summer session ever. Starting in July and ending in July the programs offered are 6-7 year olds with coach Deb Hall, 20 inchers with coach Annie and 24inchers with coach Chad. Contact asap if you want in.   

Village Auto Care Helped the Cheeney's Miniature Van, Bigtime

U-14er Stephan Davoust was riding away from practice one day when he observed the Cheeney’s miniature van rolling down the street, looking and sounding horrible. Stephan informed his father, Bob, owner of Durango’s Village Auto Care, of what he had just witnessed. Bob then offered to do a safety check on the vehicle since the vehicle takes Coaches Chad and Annie all over this mountainous state to the teams monthly races. What he found was a mistreated, unmaintained mess. Coach Chad then accepted Bobs help and drove to his shop to drop off the vehicle. Upon entering the shop, Chad was amazed at how clean it was, he had never seen or expected an auto shop to be so clean. A day passed and Bob called to say the sweet charriot was back in business. Driving the vehicle away from the shop, Annie and Chad were again amazed. This was the best the vehicle had ever driven, the steering, the engine, the headlights, the tire pressure were all spot on. Chad and Annie were very impressed and they high fived tons of times.