Never Forget the Feeling Trailer

Coming to the big screen October 18th or so. A fall fundraiser for the Durango DEVO junior development team. The creation of U-19 athlete Chase Orrick.

National Public Lands Day

It is so sweet that we have the opportunities we do here in Durango. We are spolied rotten when it comes to local singletrack. So lets grab out gloves and ride over to Durango Mountain Park (Test Tracks,) on September 27th and celebrate. Join Trails 2000 will partner with Friends of the Durango Mountain Park and the City of Durango for a celebration of trails and land stewardship on National Public Lands Day.

The workday is set for* Saturday, September 27, 2008 *at Durango Mountain Park. This event will celebrate the planning and implementation of the work of the Durango Mountain Park Stakeholder’s Group. The group was formed by the City to analyze the Park and its needs, including honoring the conservation easement held by the La Plata Open Space Conservancy, which balances wildlife needs and recreational uses.

The property, now known as Durango Mountain Park, was threatened with development in the early 1990s. Trails 2000 and its members, working closely with the City of Durango and the La Plata Open Space Conservancy, stepped forward with funding to help begin the process of preserving the park, now nearly 300 acres in size.

All are invited to help us with trail work, trash cleanup and various jobs suitable for young and old alike. Please meet at the *Leyden Street trailhead on Saturday, September 27 at 9am.* We will work until Noon. Please RSVP by September 25 to and share in a barbeque sponsored by Trails 2000 and Friends of the Durango Mountain Park. For more information or for directions, please visit

Todd Wells Wraps up a Tasty World Cup Season

Todd placed 11th in last weekends World Cup FInal in Smaldinger, Austria. The finish placed him at 10th for the 7 race series. Teammate Adam Craig also represented the US well to finish 6th overall. Dang, it is nice to see these two model athletes at the top level after years of non-super sweet US results. 2008-world-cup-overall

Register for Kansas City Cross Nationals

If you are planning on freezing your buns off this December, you best register for the CX National Championships asap. It seems the whole register online before the field is full has become a race in itself. So get on it. Here it is.

sometimes you must just walk
sometimes you must just walk

Durango Fall Blaze is September 27th

Hosted by Fort Lewis College, the Durango Fall Blaze offers three different tour options, including a 37 mile, 60 mile, and 100 mile ride. The fabulous Tom Danielson (Garmin Chipotle Pro Cycling) will lead the ride! The first of two fabulous parties is on Friday (September 26th) on the eve of the ride. Its the Fabulous Fall Blaze Packet Pickup Party at the Three Springs Neighborhood Information Center!  On Saturday morning (September 27th) a cannon blast starts the tour(s) and a Police Escort leads the riders out from the center of campus. There are 5 food/aid stations along the way, and support vehicles on the course.  The second party is at the finish line back in the center of campus. Its the Merrill Lynch Lunch!  The rides are legendary, and the parties are out of this world! The ridership is limited to ensure a quality event. The century course is of medium difficulty when compared to centuries around the country, and the 37 mile and the 60 mile are easier. All proceeds benefit the Tom Danielson Scholarship Fund at Fort Lewis College. 

Tommy D will ride this year
Tommy D will ride this year

Register here

DWC Road Race Tomorrow

This is one of the coolest road race courses in the world. Check it out.

The start times for Saturdays road race are: A men 8:00 am B+ men, B+ women, 40+ men 8:02 am B men, B women, 40+ women 8:04 am C men, C Women, 60+ men 8:05 am The start is at Trimble Lane and Hwy 550. Stage at the new development east of the tracks. The road race sprint will be on Hwy 550, 100 yards north of the turn-off for Timberline Academy. The winner in each group will receive 3 bonus points.

Sam Hill's 3rd Place Run in Italy

Amazing. This guy is so good. The 2007 World Champ just barley misses a repeat. Freecaster will be broadcasting all 2009 World Cups Live. Check out the World Cup Final this weekend. Just go to the website at 530am, saturday to watch the 2hr broadcasted finals.

Mike Wilk's Yeti FRO


Sweet sweet Yeti
Sweet sweet Yeti

    1991 Yeti FRO.  Replica of the bike that appeared in the 92 Yeti brochure and raced by the team (minus the purple Ringle).  Quintessential early 90’s race bike. Frame number 1792.  Now hangs in the museum at Absolute Bikes in Salida. 

sweet 1990’s race dreams

Road Apple Rally Monday Training

Monday Night MTB Circuit RAR Training Series on Anasazi Trail Loop. Location: Farmington. Top of N. College Drive. Dirt parking Lot. North of Piedra Vista High School (Near start of Road Apple Rally) Come train to get ready for the Road Apple Rally. Intense multi-lap course with same terrain that the RAR will give you! Mondays in September: the 15th, the 22nd, and the 29th. Time: 6 pm. Start around 6:10. Every fitness level welcome. Contact: Keith 505-860-5524 For info on the Road Apple Rally see: Date October 4th, 2008 No race day registration!

Boure Bike Fest is Next Week

Boure Bike Fest

 Sunday. September 14, 2008
Trimble Loop – Lemon Dam – 45 miles
Meet at bread (not the food, the bakery ending hunger one loaf at a time).
*Ride with Ned Day*
Monday September 15, 2008
Bondad Loop – up to 75 miles
*Riders should expect road-bike-suitable dirt roads.*
Meet at CJ’s in Bodo Restaurant – located 2 buildings South of Bouré World HQ
Tuesday September 16, 2008
MTB Clinic with Chad “Chainsaw” Cheeney, USA Cycling Coach Level 2 and Durango DEVO Team Coach.
*Reservations Requred (247.0339 or )*
Colorado Trail – Durango up to Champion Ventures Mine Road, down Junction Creek Rd – up to 40 miles
Meet at the Durango Diner, 957 Main Avenue
Wednesday September 17, 2008
Road Tour of the Dryside & Cherry Creek – Western La Plata County – up to 70 miles
*Riders should expect road-bike-suitable dirt roads.*
Meet at Christina’s Restaurant at the Best Western Inn, 1/2 mile west of downtown on US 160
Thursday September 18, 2008
Telegraph Trail System  MTB Ride – up to 30 miles
Meet at the College Drive Café, 666 E. College Drive
*Ride with Ned  Day*
Friday September 19, 2008
Backroads Tour to Vallecito – up to 70 miles
*Riders should expect road-bike-suitable dirt roads.*
Meet at Oscar’s, in the Town Plaza next to Kroeger’s Hardware Store
 Saturday September 20, 2008
Baker’s Bridge-Old Shalona – 30 miles
Meet at bread (not the food, the bakery with  that wacky guy Rob), but PLEASE don’t leave your car there!
*Vintage Bike Day*
*Ride with Ned Day*

Jr DEVO Cancelled for Wednesday Night

After a test run at 1:43 pm in Horse Gulch and FLC Campus Trails, tonight’s’  jr DEVO 24inch and AllGirlsRide will be cancelled and postponed until the November 4th make-up date. The trail conditions are too muddy and the rain was so consistent last evening, that even with the current blue sunny skies, the ride must not begin. The mud here is just to damaging to the trails and the equipment. All rainy day cancellations will be posted here throughout the season by 2-3pm. Thanks, Coach Chad

Chase Orrick Takes Super D for Second Year

U-19er Chase Orrick took the seires overall title for the second year in a row. In a field that draws the biggest field, Chase raced a consistent season to lead all juniors. His 3rd place at the Wildflower Rush, in Crested Butte, was a highlight. He also finished 6th overall in the cross country series. This multi skilled cyclist, also is the mind behind all of DEVO’s video media found on IDTV channel fifteen and You-Tube. Look for his latest film Never Forget The Feeling sometime during sweet Durango October.