FLC Uniforms

Support the FLC Cycling Team
FLC Cycling Team Clothing is 40% off through May 1st at the FLC Bookstore in the College Union Building on the FLC Campus. The selection of items is huge: Water/Wind proof thermal and rain jackets, long sleeve jerseys, women’s and men’s short sleeve jerseys, women’s and men’s bib and non-bib shorts, thermal bib tights, arm and leg warmers, socks, hats, t-shirts and hoodies.  A portion of the proceeds go to the cycling team in it’s endeavor to win yet another National Championship at Collegiate Road Nationals, May 8-10 in Fort Collins, CO.
For more info on the FLC Cycling Team check out: http://cycling.fortlewis.edu

For more info on the sale or to purchase by phone, contact: Tammy Hendrix, 970-247-7497, hendrix_t@fortlewis.edu

Alien Run on Sunday

This weekend, Sunday the 26th, in Aztec, New Mexico, a race will take place. The 9th annual Alien Run mountain bike race will start at 10am, registration begins at 8am. The course is over oil rig roads, and with the alien run singletrack it is a super fast power track. The event is the second DEVO team race of the season. Its only $20 to race!

Thursday JrDEVO Rides Cancelled

Hey there DEVO Nation, Sorry to inform you of todays cancellation, but this is how it goes. Coaches Chad and Annie  will still show up at the meeting places to inform those who don’t know. The make up date will be Thursday June 4th 4-6 at Horse Gulch, for both 24inch and AllGirlsRide groups.

Sol Vista Nationals Info

Info This race is in July and takes place on the very date that the entire DEVO team has planned the perfect peak. On another note, here is a new bike review/test site to check out from time to time. It will be over on the right from now on. Its called sicklines.com.

Thrift Store Shed Action

On Saturday, a pack of bikeless Durango DEVO cyclists met at the Volunteers of America Thrift Store, with a mission. The objective was to move the huge donation shed from current thrift store to new location. Levi’s dad Scott brought his trailer to the alley and parked it perfectly. Then Lily, Hannah, Harrison, Amy, Howard, River, Carl, Shane, Kyle, Keenan, Haakon and Coach all listened to Lisa the manager. So the group shimmied and shook, the shed broke loose. Ropes and come alongs, then DEVO muscles and there it sat upon the trailer. It was pushed off near the river at its new donation location. The VOA Thrift Store will still see a lot of cool donations, in a shed, down by the river.

Mike's Latest Remodels

tw_side_shot yak_sideshot1Local 1990’s bike restorer, Mike Wilk has cranked out a couple more gems. Check em. “The first is a 1994 Ted Wojcik Softrac FS. Built on an AMP-supplied platform, this was one of the first successful XC-race suspension designs. I rode the hell out of it at Phil’s World and loved it… and I hate full suspension bikes.  I wish more modern companies would adopt the less-is-more approach to suspension.  Of course it flexes like hell, but thats just inspires you to find a better line.

The second is a 1988 Yeti.  I built this as my race bike for the Keyesville Vintage MTB race in California last month. Completely period correct except for the pedals.  Everything was top of the line for that year, and it’s still 30lbs.  It was hell climbing but super fun on the corners and decents. One detail few people know about its no one designed the Yeti – it was just a copy of a BMX cruiser. It rides like one… great when you stand up / rail corners, awful when you sit down. This bike sucks for everything other than racing.” Mike Wilk

Want a DEVO Jersey

Become a Durango DEVO supporter by purchasing a team issue jersey. The bummer is that it will cost you $250.00. The kids voted on it and said they would allow community supporters to sport their gear if they threw down huge to help the kids who could not afford new team duds. If you are interested in looking rad, please contact cahd@durangodevo.com and we’ll get you styled out.

U-19 jersey on the left and U-14 on the right. photo by Jeanne Pastore
U-19 jersey on the left and U-14 on the right. photo by Jeanne Pastore

The Training Room

The Training Room at Mercy gave a sweet little safety talk to the Durango DEVO coaches this past week. Athletic Trainer Jeff came to the home of the Cheeney’s and gave a great little informative talk on what to look for and how to treat a variety of sport injuries. The Training Room also offers VO2 max, and lactate threshold testing which is key for any young athlete looking to get the goods from the training regime.


There is a new super fan cycling website to check on. Cyclingdirt.org does a sweet job of capturing the professional mountain bike race scene. Race videos and interviews are endless.

DEVO Has Shishim

Welcome Scott Shishim to the U-14 boys rookie team. Scott is currently working on his USA Cycling Coaching license. He is a substitute teacher and is a super strong mechanic at the Durango Cyclery. And now he is a DEVO coach. pronounced, shish-im.


Boys and Girls Club Bikes

The Boys and Girls Club of Durango has bikes. The after school program offers fun bike rides from their front door, located in the Rec Center parking lot. Durango DEVO Coach Annie meets every monday, after school to lead rides around the Rec Center fun zone. All types of bikes are encouraged and so are helmets. The rides begin April 20th from 4-5pm. Waivers and serious stuff must be filled out ahead of time to participate. The Iron Horse Bicycle Classic is all about this.

Jr.DEVO Registration Is Closed

We are gratefully packed to the gills with Jr.DEVO riders.  Thank you to all the parents for getting them involved, it’s going to be a great season and they will remember it forever!

Jr DEVO Ride Schedules

It is time to unveil the 2009 Jr DEVO spring ride schedules. Rides begin the week of April 6th. YeeHa! Also, please remember to swing by Hassle Free Sports on North Main for your last minute cycling needs. They are the official JrDEVO sponsor and offer sweet deals on bikes and gear for those participating in the spring program. 

All Rides are 4-6pm except for the Kindergarten ride which is 4-530pm.








Tour de Fort is Wednesday

Below is a parade that will benefit a youth bike program this summer. Looks like you just show up on a bike and cruise around.

Wednesday, April 1st – Tour de Fort Bike Rally and Parade

What: Show your support for getting more people on bicycles at Fort Lewis College. Come to FLC’s first-ever bike rally and parade with music, snacks, speakers, possibly tune-ups, and pedal-powered parade through campus.  Wear costumes, ring bells, cheer loudly, and provide feedback on potential FLC bike programs.  For every bike that participates in the parade, the Environmental Center will make a donation to the new summer youth bike program.  More details on the way….When: 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Where:  FLC amphitheater

Saturday DEVO News

*Practice begins this week for U-14, 19 mens and womens summer DEVO development programs. U-14 boys meet monday and friday, U-14 girls wednesday ad friday, U-19 ladies monday, wednesday and friday, and the U-19 men on tuesday, wednesday and friday. All rides practice from 400 to 600pm to and from the Durango Recreation Center.

*Jr DEVO spring session rides will begin the week of Monday April 6th. Ride schedules will be sent to all participants via email next week. There is still some openings in the 7 offered weekly rides. Please contact annie@durangodevo.com for info.

*Durango Junior DEVO Spring Pedal Test at Three Springs. This will be the session ending fun ride and race for all Jr DEVO spring session riders and their families. It will be around 5-6pm and should be a hoot.

*The trails are amazing!