Volunteer Spots for the Iron Horse Still Available

Hello and happy spring!

thanks so much to all of you who have signed up so far for the Ironhorse Bicycle Classic. We are psyched to have your help.
We do still have plenty of slots we need to fill and we would love more help, we really need it and it’s right around the corner.

Remember-good food, t’shirts and swag bags and a great post race party for everyone who helps out with such a great community event.

Here are some slots we still need to fill:

Road Race to Silverton Sat 25th May
*course marshals for the race finish in Silverton 7.45am(in Silverton)-1pm (have to allow an hour travel time to Silverton)
*1 person for Alpine Push Bike Park in Silverton 8am-1pm
*Hermosa valley road closure course marshals 6.30am-
* A few people for Durango bike pick up-2 shifts
– 2pm-4.45pm
– 4.30pm-7pm

Criterium Sunday 26th May:
Set-Up 4:30 am – 7:00 am
2 people for the Alpine Push Bike park (time to be determined)
Ushers for the Kids Race start 7am-9.45am
Kids Race Marshals: 7:00 – 9:45
Crit Shift One Course Marshals: 9:00 am – Noon
Crit Shift Two Course Marshals: 11:15 am – 2:45 pm
Crit Shift Three Course Marshals: 2pm – 5:00 pm
Tear-down: 4:00 pm – till finished! (takes about 90 minutes)

Mountain Bike Race Sun 26th May:
MTB Shift One Course Marshals: 7:30 am – 12:15 pm
MTB Shift Two Course Marshals: 11:30 am – 5:00 pm

Those of you who have already responded, I have you down. Feel free to “double up” on some shifts should you so desire!
See if you can sign up a friend.

Thanks for all that you do,


Melanie Russek
IHBC Volunteer Coordinator
(970)769 3486

Interview with Devo Board Member, Travis Brown

q; What was your first “race” bike and what was your first part upgrade?
a;First race bike was a Stumpjumper made out of Tange Prestige tubing bought from the Outdoorsman which is now MBS.  The first part upgrade I made was a Bontrager Switchblade fork.  At that time the bolt together crown was the same as on the Rock Shox RS1 and you could swap between rigid fork and suspension fork depending on the course and just change the lowers.  The first mountain bike that I started exploring the trails around Durango was a Fisher Montare, it was actually my moms but she didn’t ride it much.  She bought it from Durango Cyclery.
q; What is your favorite bike now and what has been your most recent part upgrade?
a;I ride so many different bikes now as Trek and the rest of the industry is re vamping most models on a 1 to 3 year cycle so that is not a lot of time to get attached to a bike.  The bike that I am most attached to though is the last 69er single speed prototype that we made before we stopped with that wheel platform.  It out corners everything else I have on a trail like South Rim.
q; Rank riding destinations you visited in the past 5 years. (mine-Sedona, Fruita, grand junction, Wanaka, NZ, and WInter Park.)
a;We have pretty similar tasts  I have been riding in Sedona a lot in past couple years and the network there is really fun.  I want to explore New Zealand more too.  Durango is my favorite then a four way tie between St. George/Hurricane, Cortina, Sedona and Rotorua. I need to get back to explore the new east coast riding again as well.  Mt. Snow was one of my favorite race venues and I want to check out the new Kingdom Trails network near there.
q; If you where on the pro mtb circuit these days, how would you train in the offseason? Same as in the past, or have you learned a few things since?
a;I would probably not push milage quite as much when it is cold out.  The energy requirement to benefit ratio is high.  So either more cross training like skiing and running and more trips into the amazing southwest desert.
q; If you had 1.5-2 hours to crank out a loop from downtown Durango before the world ended, and you already knew that your family and friends were going to be safe, whats your route.
a;That is a hard choice like most locals I really like the new trails at Twin Buttes but I would have to go for Powerline/Skyline/HyperExtended/Wilky/Telegraph/Crites/Sidewinder/Skull/South Rim/Sale Barn.  That ride has everything.
Travis Brown shredding the rad!
Travis Brown shredding the rad!


FLC Cycling/Devo U19 Coach Elke Brutsaert with Some Nutrition Tips

I would like to share this article with you all, especially those with the serious sugar addiction…you know who you are with your little backpack full of guilty pleasures. This is a great article that I hope will change your perspective on the evils of sugar. This is one of those food-activist topics you will be hearing more and more about in the future. We should all be on the cutting edge of this material. It is right up there with highly refined foods, GMO, BPA and other such food contaminants that the government chooses not to recognize as poison.

I know you are busy with school and base, but please take some time to read these articles if you are in the dark on these topics. We cannot afford to ignore what we put in our bodies. The obvious being, that it affects athletic performance, but on a much larger scale this is about your overall lifelong health and very relevant to things like disease and cancer. Particularly in college when the theme is often about time constraints or financial limitations, causing food choices to be very poor.

I think it is very difficult to comprehend the impact of food contaminants, as it is vast and overwhelming and simply easier to keep buying cheap food and ignoring the truth. Especially easy when your perspective is narrow and short term, where you may not see an is easy to then deduce that fuel choice is not important. But in a long term sense, this is not sustainable and eventually there will be a cumulative effect that will corrupt your health in a major way.



BPA’s, good canned foods list:

BPA discussion:

We Almost Made Cycling Cards in 2008

In 2008 we had an idea to make cycling trading cards of the local cycle lovers and eventually the Devo youth. Bicycle Bob of Durango Cyclery was our prototype subject. The card was designed to replicate the 1986 Topps Baseball Card that was one of the most unpopular card designs of the 80’s due to its black top and white sides that were very susceptible to showing wear, thus reducing the cards value. Someday in the future, this project will see the light.Roost2008_Contract

card front
card back

Miguel Ramos Interview

Miguel riding down mountains in Alaska
Miguel riding down mountains in Alaska

Last month local cycling Coach Rick Crawford recruited a group of local athletes to help guide a winter training camp for the Boulder, Colorado based Garmin-Chipolte U23 road team in the La Plata mountains that surround town. Miguel Ramos is an FLC Cycling Team Alumni and was asked to head up the group, due to his mountain skills from growing up in Alaska and his super passion for all things bike.

Q: How did you get involved in the Training Camp?
A: Well Crawford; being my coach from the FLC days, gave me a call wounding if I wanted to use my Alaskan winter skills and help with the camping trip.

Q: How many kids took part? What ages and where from?
A: There were a total of 9 kids from the U-23 Garmin team. Their ages ranged from 18 to 22…I believe.

Q: What was your role during the hike? And around camp?
A: My job was to do little as possible; allowing the team to work with each other, until situations or problems arose. While we were hiking I was the sweeper, making sure that if kids stopped to go to the bathroom or whatever were accounted for. I also would constantly scan the area for potential avalanche areas and potential danger. We didn’t worry much about the avalanches because there was really not that much snow, which was good! Around camp I made sure that kids were eating and drinking water while they were waiting for their damp and wet clothes to dry by the fire, that I was in charge of making.

Q: How did the group deal with setback in the beginning as compared to the end of the trip?
A: As time progressed and mistakes like not having enough water were made, or hot spots developing in their shoes. The Kids learned and made sure to not make the same mistake twice. Another example was the first morning when kids took their time breaking down camp, and as a result, we were not able to get to our proposed destination that day. Lessons were learned and the next morning we were off and out hiking at a reasonable time.

Q: What were some of the successes of the group? Both small and large.
A: Everyone helped each other out and took an initiative to help break and pack the snow. It may seem like a small task, but after hours of hiking with a 50lb pack, that snow gets harder and harder to pack. No one complained, but emotions were on peoples faces and everyone pushed on. That I would say is a big success because the kids knew that in order to make it from point A to B, some suffering will had to be endured.

Q: What was the funniest moment?
A: When the three people on skis kept crashing. (myself, Andrew, and Sage)

Q: What did you learn from this experience about developmental cyclists?
A: I learned that it takes a lot of sacrafice for kids like the ones on the U-23 Garmin team to get where they are at. Many of these kids have never camped, or hiked, or even seen snow(Freddie Cruz). I have been fortunate enough to experience all those activities and a plethora of others, but If I were to have devoted my youth to cycling it may not have been the case. Life changing adventures would have been missed, and memories missed. In the end its one’s choice and decision to make such sacrifices for ones passion and desire. No matter what one chooses, its an experience to be made in either path. I am grateful that I chose the path I did. Granite I could be a way better cyclist right now and MAYBE be Pro, but the path I chose better prepared me for life. Now that I have some grasp on life, an open mind, and well rounded life (at least what I perceive as well rounded). I feel that I can now pursue what I have always wanted to pursue, while using my life adventures, experiences, and focusing them towards my passion of cycling. My goal of becoming a better, faster, stronger,and wiser rider/person from all my everyday experiences……always learning.

Todd Wells Likes Golf Interview

Todd finishes his swing in the desert
Todd finishes his swing in the desert

Q: What are your top 3 favorite golf courses?
A: Dove Mountain Ritz Carlton(Tucson, AZ) desert style course, Pinon Hills(Farmington, N.M.) desert style course, Eagle Vail(Vail, CO) mountain course.
Q: Have you ever competed or thought about competing in a golf tournament? What is your handicap?
A: I have played in a few best ball tournaments but never a real stroke play tournament like you watch on TV. I compete on the bike so often it’s nice to do something that I don’t have to be competitive with. It’s just a great way to be outside, enjoy the day and hang out with friends. It’s about 5 miles to walk 18 holes with a bag on your back. It’s good way to burn some calories with out trying to.
The lowest I ever got my handicap to was 8, currently it’s probably about a 14.
Q: Who are your favorite professional golfers? past and present
A: My favorite player is Tiger. It’s amazing how consistent he has been over the years. Most player win a tournament one weekend and don’t even make the cut the next. Tiger hasn’t been playing too well lately so it makes it even more impressive what he’s done in the past. Jack Nicklaus is probably the best golfer ever and there is a bunch of young talent coming up like Anthony Kim, Rory Mcllroy, Dustin Johnson and tons of other players.
Q: What crossover fitness from cycling most benefits your golf game?
A:I think the endurance I gain from cycling definitely helps my golf game. Golf is all about focus and cycling helps my golf game with that and golf helps my cycling. When I’m racing I am focusing 100% on going as fast as I possibly can. There is nothing else at that moment and you have to be completely in the moment to go that fast with out crashing or slowing down. It’s like the race is the only thing happening at that moment. To hit a good golf shot you have to be able to have that same focus while you’re making your swing, you can’t be thinking about anything else.
Q: Do you do Mulligans? If so, How often, If not, Why?
A: In general I don’t take Mulligans, I play the ball as it lies. During a round of golf I’ll hit plenty of bad shots and some good ones. If I hit a ball that’s unplayable I’ll take the penalty stroke and drop the ball where I’m suppose to. Golf is all about rules and tradition, I try to play it as close to the book as I can.
Q: Have you played with any other professional cyclists during the season? Who’s the best cycling golfer out there?
A: I have played with a few cyclists over the years. I just played a round with Burry Stander at the World Championships in Canada five days before he took the bronze medal in the Elite race. Most cyclists aren’t that good since cycling takes so much time and devotion, there isn’t much time for anything else. Steve Pete and Greg Minnaar play quite a bit of golf though so I hope to play with them one of these years. You wouldn’t think those are the type of guys that would play golf but once you get bit by the bug it can be a lot of fun.
Q: If you had to pick one club out of your bag and toss the rest into a hot lava pit, which club would you choose and why?
A: I would keep my sand wedge. I love to hit pitch and chip shots around the green. I’ve spent hours just hitting shots around the green. Plus, I can juggle the ball all day with a sand wedge.

Krista Park Interview

Krista Park is a professional mountain biker who lives on the road. She decides where to travel based on riding and racing. She has figured it out because Durango seems to be seeing more and more of her. This summer she rode with the U14 Devo girls and was on site for several short track races.
Q: Where were you born and where have you lived?
A: Born and raised in Los Alamos, NM, Attended Universities in Longview, TX, Edmond, OK and Albuquerque, NM, Worked for Motorola in Lawrenceville, GA (Atlanta), Prior to 2006 I’ve also lived in Waxahachie, TX and Santa Fe, NM., After 2006 the list is too long, let’s just say mostly towns in the Southwest including Santa Fe, NM, Durango, CO, San Dimas, CA and Tucson, AZ.

Q: How did you get involved with the mountain bike and when did you start racing?
A: I was introduced to mountain biking by fellow employees while working as a Senior Electrical Design Engineer at Motorola in Atlanta, GA. The once a week group rides led to racing and traveling, I began racing in 2003. Before I knew it my husband Todd and I were leaving work early on Fridays for long weekends of camping and pre-riding or racing.

Q: What are your 3 favorite races around the country and why?
A: #1 Windham, NY XC. I love the course, the people and all the hard work put into that course. #2 24hours of Old Pueblo in Tucson, AZ (team). It is a party and a race, I love drilling one fast lap then chilling out and the course is fun and fast. #3 Sol Vista, CO National Super-D I loved the course both this year and last.

Q: Who are your cycling heros, both past and present?
A: Sue Haywood

Q: Do you have any training secrets for our junior athletes?
A: Ride with people better than you. Recover harder than you train. Keep it fun.

Q: You do a good job with sponsorship, what is the key to maintaining good relationships with sponsors?
A: Align yourself with sponsors whose product you truly love, then work hard for what you receive; both on and off the bike.

Q: What is your favorite thing about being a professional cyclist?
A: My lifestyle. Being a full-time RV’er, riding new trails all the time, doing clinics and meeting so many awesome new friends.

Krista railing a turn somewhere out east
Krista railing a turn somewhere out east

Vanessa Hauswald Interview

Former Fort Lewis College student and DEVO super fan Vanessa Hauswald has just completed her first race season as Executive Director of the model high school mountain bike race league in the country, Norcal. Here is what we asked and she answered.

Q: You lived in Durango for some years, what brought you to Durango and why did you leave?
A: I came to Durango to go to school at Fort Lewis College. I had lived in northern California my whole life and wanted to live, learn and play in the mountains.

Q: How did you become the Executive Director for the NorCal League?
A: Well, when I moved to California I learned about the League and thought what they were doing for teenagers was fabulous. I started a high school mountain bike team at the school where I teach, then I joined the NorCal board of directors to get even more involved. 5 years later (in 2010) the position came up and I took a leap of faith and applied: here I am.

Q: What are your roles? Whats the favorite part of your new job thus far?
A: Many! Race organizing, promoting and directing; coach training, certification and management; fundraising, event planning, wilderness first aid training, trail work and trail advocacy, public and media relations management, staff training and management, and much more. My favorite part is definitely riding with the kids, oh, and watching them race is awesome too!

Q: You coached a HS team for some years, What team did you coach and what was a typical practice week like for the kids?
A: I’ve coached the Casa Grande High School MTB Team for four years. It has been my favorite “job” I’ve ever had. Our team practiced twice a week (either on the road or mountain depending on the weather) and then had a spin class on Sunday evenings. We also do a lot of casual weekend rides because I am just as interested in introducing kids to sweet singletrack as I am in helping them to hone their racing techniques.

Q: Where is your favorite riding location in California? Is there any Cali towns that remind you of Durango?
A: I love mountain biking in Tahoe, and of course, anywhere in Sonoma or Marin Counties. Durango is such a unique and amazing spot, I honestly don’t know if there’s any towns here that remind me of it. It’s hard to find a place like Durango with such epic riding, mountaineering, and skiing options in addition to such solid food, art and community.

Q: How did you get into the sport of mountain biking? How about racing?
A: I come from a family of cyclists so I’ve always ridden bikes, but I really learned to mountain bike in Horse Gulch when I was a freshman in college. I didn’t start racing though until I was 25. My brother and friends all did it and they encouraged me to check it out too.

Q: Any tips for our juniors out there?
A: Have fun and don’t take yourselves too seriously. Ride hard, eat well and enjoy life. Respect your coaches
and trails and give DEVO big love!IMG_2676_2

Alumni Joe Schneider Interview

Joe was on the first Devo team in 2006. He currently is attending the School of Mines in Golden, CO and rides his bike most often.
Joe was on the first Devo team in 2006. He currently is attending the School of Mines in Golden, CO and rides his bike most often.

Q: How did you get into mountain bike racing in Durango? and what kept you progressing in the sport?
A: The Miller Mountain Bike Club, lead by Sarah Tescher got me into riding and racing. The support of the community and the opportunities Durango provides kept me progressing until cycling was my way of life.

Q: What are some of your favorite memories from the first years of DEVO?
A: The team rides, making progress and racing with a supported crew of awesome people.

Q: Was it hard to get involved with the cycling program at Colorado School of Mines? What is the program like there?
A: The Mines cycling team is super friendly and open to all abilities, We are a racing team but keep it fun and rider friendly.

Q: You lead the collegiate program now, what are your roles and responsibilities?
A: I am responsible for promoting a mountain bike race in the fall and a road race in the spring, I also manage the teams whole budget and what races members attend.

Q: What have been some good collegiate cycling moments thus far?
A: The races are laid back and are all about having fun while racing, Collegiate Nationals is always a highlight for me.

Q: Do you have any tips for the young Durango rippers?
A: Find your passion in cycling, racing fast will come from that.

Elke Brutsaert Interview

Elke Brutsaert is a DEVO coach! The 2009 SUper D national champion was hired in February as the new U19 ladies coach and is doing a great job thus far. Her vast competitive cycling experience both as an athlete and in team management have been a serious bonus to the 5 year old DEVO program.dh_brutsaert
Q: How long have you lived in Durango and how did you end up moving here?
A: I have lived in Durango for about 16 yrs. I moved to Durango in 1994 in order to train for the Norba National Mtb series, as well as the WC circuit.
Q: How long did you race professionally and what are some of your biggest accomplishments throughout your career?
A:I raced pro for 10yrs. I totalled 4 individual WC wins and 10 Norba wins, as well as 2 X-games gold medals.
Q: What do you consider to be your career now that you have retired from professional cycling?
A: My career generally takes me in 3 or 4 directions…”side show Sally”. I am a massage therapist, teacher of kinesiology at RMIH (Rocky Mountain of Healing Arts), a coach and personal trainer.

Q: You were a pro soinger for Giant Bicycles in the early 2000’s, from that experience, what is is that most young professionals lacked when taking on their first pro season?
A:The discipline to consistently perform self care is something that the neo-pro struggles with the most. “Self care” is a process that is followed religiously by almost all successful pros, as they know it is a recipe for RECOVERY. If you cannot learn to recover well, you will never reach your true potential. Learning time management is maybe what is the underlying problem for most. Their are many variables to consider when trying to do everything right. The more ducks you can get in a row, the better your chances are for success. Periodized & methodical training w/ guidance from a coach is part of the building process. However, building to a peak, is a tearing down of tissue, which required time and self care to heal from. Rest, nutrition, hydration, stretching and structural corrective exercises are just a few of the important variable which have a huge bearing on the rest/recovery cycle. Other smaller details like the night before a race ice bath, or Animas river leg plunge after your hardest workouts, regular chiro, care, afternoon naps post training, eating mini meals rather than stuffing yourself as well as eliminating stress are all part of the balancing act called recovery. Attention to even smaller details like, immediate post race recovery drink, cool down post race, staying out of the hot sun, or removing yourself from the “pit” area of a race site to chill out. Staying in the action is fun and social, however this overstimulation takes its toll over the course of a day and race weekend, contributing to overall fatigue and less energy for your race.

Q: In order, what are the three mtb specific skills that need the most work as a junior racer looking to take it to the next level? and what is your favorite skill to teach?
A: 1) Learning how to pace yourself in a race. 2) Learning how to listen to your body for signs of fatigue and over training. 3) Riding efficiency…… like, pumping transitions, keeping your speed into uphills, recovery on the DH.
-My favorite skill to teach is looking for the exit of a turn in order to hold speed through turns and not drag brakes.

Q: You are also a Massage Therapist, how important is massage to the junior athlete? And what do you see being the benefits of regular massage as an adult professional athlete?
A:Massage is generally something a Jr racer does not come in contact with unless they have made the Jr national team selection and compete at world’s. If a Jr racer has access and resources to massage, it is great to add this to your self care routine. A good sports massage aids in recovery, speeding up the process 2 fold. Regular massage keeps the tissue healthy and free of adhesions form training hard and injury. Incorporation massage into any sports training program allows the athlete to get back to the build cycle more quickly.

Q: You have 2 hours to kill in town on you 5 inch shredder, what Durango loop do you do?
A: Warming up on South Rim trail at the Dietz entrance. Sidewinder, down Skull Rock and over to Carbon Junction, Crites, Anazasi….pedal HWY 3 back to Car.