Encounter with U14 and High School Devo Last Week

Good stuff last week. The U14 boys and girls team had their first practice of the week along with the AHS and DHS high school league teams. All met by chance at the rec center, and then had a sweet Lions Den mid climb pass. So good to see all the different age groups riding the amazing trails Durango has to offer. Check out the sweet new High School uniforms!

High School Mountain Biking Meeting Thursday

6pm at Buckley Park. Come and talk with coaches about the 2013 Colorado HS league for both Animas Ospreys and Durango Demons. Looks like a friendly game of bocce ball will insure!DSC01005-475x315


Have too much old sports gear? Need new gear? On April 20, 2013 from 10-3 at the Boys & Girls Club, 2750 Main, Animas High School will hold its third annual All Sports Sale. Either donate your lightly used Sports Equipment directly to Animas (AHS) and 100% of proceeds benefit AHS, or sell your own gear, man your own booth and donate 20% of your sales to Animas! For more information contact pac@animashighschool.com
or call Susan Kroes at 903-3434.

NICA Annual Awards Announced

NICA is pleased to announce the 2012 NICA Annual Award winners!

The NICA Awards were established in 2010 to honor student-athletes, coaches, volunteers and partners that have made outstanding contributions toward the development of high school cycling and the national high school mountain biking movement.

This year, NICA Awards will be given to 13 individuals in 10 different categories that were selected from a field of more than 222 nominees from NICA Leagues across the country.

Specialized Student-Athlete Leadership Award
The Student Athlete Leadership Award honors student-athletes who have demonstrated outstanding leadership, sportsmanship, academic performance and volunteerism in their team, school and community. The recipients are:
* Josie Nordrum, Redwood High School, NorCal High School Cycling League
* Zachary Tucker, Lyons High School, Colorado High School Cycling League

Trek Student-Athlete All Star Award
The All-Star Student Athlete Award recognizes student-athletes for their outstanding competitive achievements and potential for future success in competitive cycling. The recipients are:
* Kate Courtney, Branson High School, NorCal High School Cycling League
* Lucas Newcomb, Sir Francis Drake High School, NorCal High School Cycling League

Jeep Extraordinary Courage Award
The Extraordinary Courage Award recognizes student-athletes who have persevered through challenging circumstances and overcome adversity to develop and excel as a model student athlete. The recipients are:
* DeShaun Smith, C.K. MCClatchy High School, NorCal High School Cycling League
* Mark Doty, Oakley High School, Utah High School Cycling League

SRAM Coach of The Year Award
The Coach of the Year Award acknowledges a head coach whose qualities as a leader and motivator embodies NICA’s mission to provide student-athletes with the coaching and camaraderie to help them achieve both competitive and non-competitive goals in a safe and enjoyable manner. The recipients are:
* Whitney Pogue, Summit Academy High School, Utah High School Cycling League
* Ken Mozek, San Ramon Valley High School, NorCal High School Cycling League

Clif Bar and Company Volunteer Service Award
The Volunteer Service Award honors an exceptional volunteer whose dedication of time, expertise and enthusiasm goes above and beyond to make a difference in the organization. The recipients is:
* Nick Gualtieri, St. Francis High School, SoCal High School Cycling League

Quality Bike Products Community Impact Award
The Community Impact Award honors an individual whose dedication to high school mountain biking has resulted in positive impacts on youth, the community and the organization. This individual is an outstanding representative of the organization internally and externally. The recipient is:
* Ed Fischer, Camas Composite, Washington High School Cycling League

Primal Wear Race Production Partner Award
The Race Production Partner Award acknowledges an individual whose outstanding partnership role in race productions is key to the success of a leagues race event production. The recipient is:
* Martha Flynn, Minnesota High School Cycling League

Easton Foundations League Founder Award
The League Founders Award recognizes an individual’s commitment, enthusiasm, perseverance, and outstanding contributions in establishing a NICA High School Cycling League. The recipient is:
* Lori Harward, Utah High School Cycling League

NICA Legacy Award
The NICA Legacy Award honors an individual for their tremendous philanthropic support of NICA and NICA Leagues. The recipient is:
* Mike Sinyard, Specialized Bicycles

Come support the winners at the NICA Awards Benefit Ride and Banquet! Both events will be on January 12th, 2013 with the ride at Ft. Ord and the banquet at the Specialized world headquarters in Morgan Hill, California. Register today for either the ride and/or the banquet here.

Durango High School Teams do it up in Granby

Hey guys!  Go to the below link to view the Herald article from race #1 http://durangoherald.com/article/20120913/SPORTS03/120919795/0/SEARCH/Chalk-it-up-to-DEVO-power and below is our race recap for race #2!

What a crew for Race # in Granby.  Everyone made a long trip super easy and fun.  Many people walked up to me during the race and told me how great the AHS/DHS  riders are and how they really appreciate them showing others good sportsmanship.  I really appreciated traveling with a group of kids that NEVER complained about anything.  They were always positive about the trip, the course, the race, etc.

We loaded the van at 8 am on Saturday morning and headed out after Rob from Bread hooked us up with lots of goodies!  Levi was the DJ and we cranked the tunes.  7 hours later we arrived in Granby at a YMCA that had everything:  horse shoes, cabins, trails, grassy fields, pool, etc.   Everyone picked a bunk bed and headed out on their pre-ride.  Quinn led out the AHS crew and the DHS crew was led by Sepp.  I tagged along:)  We learned a new word:  beautitude which we decided was a noun but it was fun to use it as a verb.  The course was super bumpy so I advocated for one pre ride lap to save everyone’s arms!    We then hit the pool and bedtime after some card games.  Big thank you to Sabina for cooking our yummy dinner!!

Race day was COLD..brrrrrr.  The girls warmed up in a lot of clothes and India even had on a down coat.  I slept out and my water bottle froze!   The Aspens were peaking and either bright yellow or yellow leaves on the trails.  India and Robin were first to go and their start was fast up a hill to a very fast descent.  India worked with a rider from Boulder to break away from the rest of the group.  It was a nail biter to watch them lap around.  I waited anxiously near the finish to see who would be coming in first.  It was India!  But, somewhere on the course, the two girls had formed a bond in which they would work together and finish together.  Right before the finish, India dismounted her bike to wait for the other Boulder rider.  They finished together.  The head coach from Fairview (the Boulder school) has emailed me to say how impressed he was with India and her good sportsmanship.  I, on the other hand, was not so thrilled!    But, I respect her decision and am impressed with her willingness fulfill an obligation….so long as she does not make that agreement out on the course again! Due to the cold, Robin had a tough race and never fully warmed up.  We decided that she may race colder than others and should plan on arm warmers even if the rest of the field is not in them.  Knowing what to wear for morning starts times can be tricky.

Bryce, Charie, and Quinn were up next.  Charlie, division leader, wore the leader’s jersey and got called up to have a great starting position.  Bryce had a descent position, but spent most of the first lap passing to catch up.  On lap 1, Charlie was in the lead with Bryce close behind.  Bryce made his move 1/2 way into the second lap and was able to hold on for the win.  Both Charlie and Bryce had phenonmenal races!  Quinn was so cool and calm in his first race.  He looked like a natural and finished mid pack amoungst a big group of div 2 Sophomores.  He had a perfect first race!

Next up were Nano, Jack, Sepp, Stephen and Levi.  The 3 varsity boys made up 3/4 of the starting line.  It was a fast, flat course and they knew they had to go out hard.  Sepp quickly got the lead with 4 varsity riders close behind.  He increased his gap as the race progressed.  Stephen held his position and was making the bumpy terrain look like smooth riding.  Levi had a tough first lap, but then came on strong in lap 3 and 4.  Being on the course with 100 other riders is no small feat when trying to pass.  These guys did great on a course that had plenty of spots that created hard terrain to pass on.  Nano and Jack also had great starts with Nano getting the call up.  Nano was in 2nd for lap 1 and 2 and the varsity girls and I were very eager for it was seeming to be the race of his life!  He stayed calm and rode very hard.  In the end he was passed, but he gave it 110% and just seeing him in the front gave me shivers!  He finished with a podium finish.  Jack also spent much of his race passing and he looked like he had a motor on his bike he was flying!

Loaded up the van and missed awards so we could have a pre-midnight arrival.  But AHS is now in the lead with DHS in 12th (the scoring works such that not having a girl race really hurts the overall team scoring.  But, if we get Sierra, Kaylee and whoever else, DHS will move back up in no time).  I have not seen individual overall, but I’m guessing we have a few in the overall leader jersey again!

Next race is in Elbert (outside Colorado Springs).  It is the same weekend as my cousin’s wedding in Boulder.  So, I can offer to drive the van on Friday, but everyone would have to leave school early and be ok with me not being there until pick up on Sunday.  Probably not ideal!  Would be great to get a crew there to maintain school scoring and get some more races under us!  We just may need parent help for this one!

Race #2 Granby Results

1st India Waller/ Varsity Girls

12th Robin Austin/ Varsity Girls

1st Sepp Kuss/ Varsity Boys

4th Levi Kurlander/ Varsity Boys

5h Stephen Davoust/ Varsity Boys

4th Nathanael Rodd/ JV Boys (46 riders)

8th Jack Hewitt/ JV Boys

23rd Quinn Haughey/ Sophomore Boys

1st Bryce Gordon/ Freshmen Boys (33 riders)

2nd Charlie Greenberg/ Freshmen Boys

Overall D2:

1st Animas

2nd  Green Mountain Composite

3rd Grand Vallley

12th DHS

Over all D1:

1st Boulder

2nd Fairview

3rd Vail

387 racers from 39 schools


Good Luck Collin on your ride to raise money for Alzheimer’s

“Growing up in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado got me into adventure as far as traveling around the world and trips of all sorts around the states. I am always up for a good adventure and I am looking forward to the new one I am about to embark on. Thanks for the support and look forward to giving you a great trip and don’t forget to follow me at www.coloradoalzride.com and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/coloradoalzheimersride.”

Devo Does Locals Day at Durango Mountain Resort

Durango Composite Team Stomps the Snow Mountain Ranch Stampede!

On October 1st the Durango Composite High School team travelled to the hills near the Winter Park ski area to show what they were made of. The preride on Saturday featured perfect, cool weather and electricity was in the air…literally. The aspens were golden. The singletrack was smooth. Tactics were discussed. Bikes were prepped. Riders began to feel the tension that the next day would bring. The scene was set, and we all fell asleep listening to elk bugles and coyote yelps.
Race Day: The sun rose and there wasn’t a single cloud in the sky. The lightning, thunder, and drizzle that had put our campfire out the night before was long gone. This day was made for speed. Breakfast, a quick camp breakdown, and we were off to the pit zone and race course. The crew stretched their legs out on the short ride to the course and had time to reflect on what the strategy would be once their race began. Push hard on the uphill start and get near the front of the pack before the ghost town. Hammer the double track hill and get ready for the dusty rutted descent and the water bars along the way. Speed across the dam, drop a few gears and overtake the hikers on the steep hill. Man it’s tough to clean that thing. Now corner through the aspens, hydroplane across the creek, blast the level home stretch and maintain your speed through the meandering finishing corral. That shouldn’t be that bad……
First out was India, racing in the super fast varsity class. She turned 2 quick laps and made her move on the third. Riding in third place going into the finishing zig-zags she managed to completely close the 1min 30s gap on the rider in 2nd and it came down to a sprint finish. She gave it all that she had but in the end she took third by a gap of only 2 seconds. Had the course been 100 feet longer who knows what would have happened! Robin followed in the next wave and had a great day on the course. She started fast, stayed fast, and ended fast! The result – a second place finish and the overall JV Girls Leader position. Congrats!! Next up was Sierra. She took to the race course with her usual focus, power, and determination. She came through the pit after lap 1 and gave us all the impression that she was going to own it on lap 2. She did just that and gave a massive effort, earning the #2 finish. Very proud!
The boys were up next and represented just as well as the girls did. The clouds never seemed to come back and by now the course was just downright hot! Nano and Jack took off in a giant wave of nearly 40 riders. It was a precarious start with a pileup that happened just off of Nano’s wheel. The dust cleared and it was obvious that they were here to hammer and have fun. Nano and Jack went so fast on their first laps that I almost missed them at the feed zone! They both started near the back of the pack and through the race managed to pick racers off one by one and move way up and secure solid finishes! Way to go. This was Jack’s first race EVER and he made us all really proud. Andrew, racing in the JV boys division, was the last racer to start, and he had to endure some seriously hot and dusty conditions. He had to wrestle with a huge field as well and managed to stick to a solid game plan. Quick start, punch it through every inch of the course, and stay consistently fast. That earned him a solid finish as well and
put the team at a tie for second place in the overall division 2 standings at this point in the series. All of the riders put out maximum effort and had huge smiles once the dust settled. An incredible day to say the least – zero mechanicals, 100% fun. Great job team!!!
-Coach Dave Heershap
Check the Results Here

Durango Composite Team Shreds the High School League Race

Pre Race Day:
What a weekend! At first I thought we were going to get BLASTED with rain as Sarah and I drove threw the pass. We hit everything except snow. Rain, heavy winds, hail, it was just nuking in Gunsmoke. But once we dropped into Salida we were all good and clear with weather. Now I know why people call it the banana belt of Colorado. Sarah and I arrived a little after 1pm, just in time to pre-ride the course with the kids. We all gathered as a group and rode as a group. I showed them a couple of tricks when it comes to line choice and protecting the inside lines. After a one lap warm up we hit it hard on the second lap for an opener. After our hot lap we cooled down for a bit and I sent the kids to the camp site to eat and rest up for the rest of the day. My awesome roommate Cassandra Brown made the kids cookies for the kids in order to celebrate there season kick off, and the kids and parents were very pleased. I’m not even sure if Sarah could count how many cookies she at…must have been in the dozens:) After kids were all fueled up and slowly getting ready for bed we gathered at the campfire for a little meeting. We mainly talked about tactics for wind and holding on to peoples wheel on the open and exposed sections of the trail were wind could have been a problem. We also discussed potential areas to pass that were safe and cactus free, which were very limited. I was very strict on telling the kids to get to the starting line asap after warming up in order to get a good position at the line. Having a good position coming into the impassible singletrack would make or break the race. After our little meeting I resumed wrenching on bikes that were supposedly “dialed” and race ready. To my surprise they were in need of much TLC. So my night continued on to about 11pm, while the racers where well on their way to counting sheep. Several brake alignments, bolt tightening, and tire swaps later I found myself tucked in my cocoon of a sleeping bag counting sheep.

Race day:
The mourning started off cold, as it supposedly dipped down to the 30s during the night. Good thing no one had an early race that day. The Girls Varsity started going off at 10am, and were spaced out with 5 minute intervals after that. Our girls were lead out by India, who looked solid all three laps of the race. India’s competition looked strong…very strong, but India was able to pull out with an amazing 3rd place finish. Five minutes after India’s start time was Robin, who despite her early arrival at the starting line somehow got pushed back to near last at the start line. With crowds of girls lined up in front of her she had her work cut out for her. Amazingly Robin was able to give’r heck and shredded past the competition for a SOLID 2nd place. I was so amazed by how well she did because Robin was literally the last girl at the start line. Oh man was I one upset coach, wanting answers from the start line officials as to why she was put so far back. But in the end it all worked out and Robin said she had one of the best races ever. Last in the freshman category was the illusive butterfly, Sierra. I had no doubt in my mind that Sierra was going to float like a butterfly and sting like a bee out there. Her smile and grace just carried her over everything, and she never looks like she is hurting on the bike…its amazing. Sierra finished in 3rd place on the dry and dusty 2 lap race, resulting in 3 solid finishes for the girls.

First off for the guys were DCT’s Sophomore racers Conner and Henry. After hours of fixing their bikes the night before(and giving Conner a tire with traction) they seemed amped and ready to shred. Conner had a 3rd tier start, but Henry got pushed back towards the back…making it a difficult race for him. Both looked strong going threw the feed zone, but both had trouble trying to pass slower riders in the singletrack. After the racing was said and done they did great! Conner placed 5th after we had to negotiate some number discrepancies(they put him in the D1 category, but he still raced in the D2 category. Making his time 5 minutes slower)and he got to podium! Henry placed a very respectable 7th place, especially after all that hard work he had to put in passing that huge crowed of racers. Last but not least was the Boys Varsity with Steven leading DCT in what looked like a pro race. This field had some fast riders, and what looked to be some kids sponsored by Focus bikes. I don’t know what it was but everyone of these kids were FAST! Kids were battling out for position during the neutral start, and once that flag was waved for them to start it was “GAME ON”! Steven literally ran into some trouble on one of the uphill section, having a slight collision with a kid who dismounted his bike. After lap one it was a hard battle to catch up to the leaders, and lap 2 turned into a battle for 5th place. Steven told me that the last hill before the flat rode section is where he got out gunned, and he had to settle for 6th.

Overall the kids did great and all placed in top ten…what team or coach could ask for more. I know I was stoked, and everyone came out clean and crash free. The Team Points are still being tallied up; as they have to count for nearly 300 kids, but I’m confident we did well. Could not have asked for a better race to start of the season! YAHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Miguel Ramos

Musclecross Was Fun

photos by John Baxter