Hosted by Fort Lewis College, the Durango Fall Blaze offers three different tour options, including a 37-mile, 60-mile, and 100-mile ride.  The tour starts when the clocktower rings 8am and a police escort leads the riders out from the center of campus. There are six food/aid stations along the way, support vehicles on the course, and a party at the finish line back in the center of campus! The ridership is limited to ensure a quality event. The century course is of medium difficulty when compared to centuries around the country, and the 37-mile and the 60-mile are easier.

All proceeds benefit the Cycling Scholarship Fund at Fort Lewis College. The scholarship is dedicated to rising young cyclists. Each scholarship recipient must possess a love for the sport, maintain a 2.7 or higher grade point average, and must be an active community member. Both men and women are eligible, of course.

Click here to register and for more information

Registration fees cover:

  • A fully supported tour with sag support vehicles and five food/aid stations
  • The fabulous Fall Blaze Packet-Pickup Party at the Fort Lewis College Union Plaza
  • The Blaze Lunch and Celebration on campus, presented by Morehart Murphy Auto Center
  • A commemorative t-shirt and pinIMG_0190

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