Tomorrow is the big day for Devo u19ers!  We have racers racing everyday from Thursday to Sunday at the National Championship in Pennsylvannia.  Below is Chad’s (u19 and Swet Elite team manager) night before email.  Go Chad!!!  And go team!!!!

Its a classic race in a classic place. Head to Aztec, NM for a good time this weekend!

1130 Race start for Keenan, Will, Keiran, Sierra and Robin race Cat 2 15-18
General Info
I will be there to feed for all of ya’ll. Please have a bottle with your name on it. I also have Tailwind in the back of the Devo van if you want some. Please dial in your bikes tonight. Course is rad right! Make sure to stay calm and breath in all those techy rock gardens. Look ahead, pick a line and fully commit, then move on and prepare for the next section. Talk to your competitors and get to know them as best ya can during the weekend. Shake hands after your race.
Remember to smile and have fun out there. This is something that will be remembered for the rest, or most of your lives. We are lucky humans to be able to do what we are doing this weekend. Call your parents and tell em ya love em.
Go Devo! -check out Keenan!
Peace Out! Chad

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