Hello and happy spring!

thanks so much to all of you who have signed up so far for the Ironhorse Bicycle Classic. We are psyched to have your help.
We do still have plenty of slots we need to fill and we would love more help, we really need it and it’s right around the corner.

Remember-good food, t’shirts and swag bags and a great post race party for everyone who helps out with such a great community event.

Here are some slots we still need to fill:

Road Race to Silverton Sat 25th May
*course marshals for the race finish in Silverton 7.45am(in Silverton)-1pm (have to allow an hour travel time to Silverton)
*1 person for Alpine Push Bike Park in Silverton 8am-1pm
*Hermosa valley road closure course marshals 6.30am-
* A few people for Durango bike pick up-2 shifts
– 2pm-4.45pm
– 4.30pm-7pm

Criterium Sunday 26th May:
Set-Up 4:30 am – 7:00 am
2 people for the Alpine Push Bike park (time to be determined)
Ushers for the Kids Race start 7am-9.45am
Kids Race Marshals: 7:00 – 9:45
Crit Shift One Course Marshals: 9:00 am – Noon
Crit Shift Two Course Marshals: 11:15 am – 2:45 pm
Crit Shift Three Course Marshals: 2pm – 5:00 pm
Tear-down: 4:00 pm – till finished! (takes about 90 minutes)

Mountain Bike Race Sun 26th May:
MTB Shift One Course Marshals: 7:30 am – 12:15 pm
MTB Shift Two Course Marshals: 11:30 am – 5:00 pm

Those of you who have already responded, I have you down. Feel free to “double up” on some shifts should you so desire!
See if you can sign up a friend.

Thanks for all that you do,


Melanie Russek
IHBC Volunteer Coordinator
(970)769 3486

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