Highlights of each group:
Devo Jr: This is our biggest Devo Jr season ever! The coaches this season have been amazing and it has been such a treat for me to bounce around the different groups!

U14/U19: They have already raced at 5 races this year and will be racing in the IHBC this next weekend! State Champs are mid June and we have quite a crew headed to Nationals! Our first Telegraph TT was last Friday and we had tons of the kids break their personal bests!

Explorers: Just got back last night from their 3 day trip to the desert. It was a big trip of 4 coaches and 17 kids! They used their rack and panniers to explore the Valley of the Gods and Mochi Dugway! Lots of smiles and definitely dirty faces!

Flyers: This posse did their trip a couple weeks back to Moab. They rode the 5 star Capt Ahab, Lower Porcupine and, of course, the dirt jump park! These kids are amazing descenders and it is so fun for me to see how the kids cross over from group to group to apply their new skills. Because of Oz’s time with U14, he was killing the technical climbs!

Sweet Elite: Wow, they really have raced every weekend since mid April. 2 riders have been chosen to represent USA in Europe this summer and all will be with Devo at Nationals. Watch for these jerseys on the IHBC race this weekend.

It has been an amazing Spring season and there is still more to come! Here are some more ways to get involved:

*Devo Jr Fun Race at Buckley is May 29th and we’ll have a dunk tank, photo booth and Eliminator Short Track after the kids race. This event is for all of Devo!

*IHBC still needs volunteers! Contact Mel at volunteer@ironhorsebicycleclassic.com

*Coaches Social= Thursday June 6th

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