Contact Devo Jr coach Mel Russek at (970)769 3486

Here are the available shifts:
Road Race to Silverton Sat 25th May

30+ course marshals for the race finish in Silverton 7.45am(in Silverton)-1pm (have to allow an hour travel time to Silverton)
1 person for Alpine Push Bike Park in Silverton 8am-1pm
3 people for rider/finish line traffic control
Hermosa Valley road closure marshals
Several people for Durango bike pick up-2 shifts
– 2pm-4.45pm
– 4.30pm-7pm

Criterium Sunday 26th May:

Set-Up 4:30 am – 7:00 am — 20 Able Bodied Volunteers
2 people for the Alpine Push Bike park (time to be determined)
Ushers for the Kids Race start 7am-9.45am
Kids Race Marshals: 7:00 – 9:30 — 4 Volunteers Needed
Crit Shift One Course Marshals: 9:00 am – Noon — 18 Volunteers Needed
Crit Shift Two Course Marshals: 11:15 am – 2:45 pm — 18 Volunteers Needed
Crit Shift Three Course Marshals: 2:15 am – 5:00 pm — 18 Volunteers Needed
Tear-down: 4:00 pm – till finished! (takes about 90 minutes) — 20+ Volunteers Needed

Mountain Bike Race Sun 26th May:

MTB Shift One Course Marshals: 7:30 am – 12:15 pm — 20 Volunteers Needed
MTB Shift Two Course Marshals: 11:30 am – 5:00 pm — 20 Volunteers Needed

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