Community Members;

The DWC TT Series starts tomorrow! Thursday, 4/18!
Meet: North entrance of Iron Horse Inn @ 5:45 pm
Sign in: 5:45 with Ken, first rider off at 6 pm.
Route: Flattened Omega V.2 ; 15 mi, 400′ of climbing.

Description: 15 miles, roughly 400 feet of climbing. Starts at Iron Horse Inn, north on US 550, RT on Trimble, LT on CR 250, turnaround at intersection of CR 250 and Elk Mtn. Rd., Finish at Trimble Crossing. This course has three short climbs and three descents; important for the 15+ guys and gals going to the Tour of the Gila to do rolling terrain that both climbs and descends.

NWS Weather forecast for Durango:
Hope to see you tomorrow!

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