Trails 2000 Announces Trailwork Season Kick Off Wednesday, April 24th Trailwork Party
Durango, CO, April 17, 2013 –Calling all weekend warriors, trail blazers and wanderers: before you tune up your bike, lace up your shoes or put Fido on a leash, lend a hand to get our trail system in shape. The first trail work session of the season is Wednesday, April 24 from 4 to 7pm in Horse Gulch. Spend as much or as little time as you have available helping prepare the trails. No experience necessary, all tools provided.
Wednesday Night Trailwork Party: April 24, 2013 Where: The Meadow Trail in Horse Gulch
Directions: Horse Gulch road, located off of 8th Avenue and 4th street next to Sonic. Please walk or ride up the road.
Time: 4:00pm to 7:00pm. You are welcome to join the crew after work; details will be posted on the tailgate of the work truck.
What to Wear: Volunteers should wear long pants, long sleeved shirt, closed toe shoes, sun hat and bring a waterbottle. Trails 2000 will provide water, snacks and all tools.

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