Last night's Devo Jr Adv ride on top of Hog's Back

Hello Devo Push bike groups. You may want to check out this contest and get a photo in the mix. Those pushers are cute. 13 days till Jr Devo Push Bike’s first class. See ya then.

Devo Jr still has openings!!!
Monday Kinder: 2 slots
Wednesday all girls beg/int: 7 slots
Thursday mixed 2nd-5th: 6 slots
Friday 1st grade 2-4pm: 2 slots
Monday 1st grade: full
Tuesday 2nd-3rd: full
Tuesday 3rd-5th: Full
Wednesday co-ed adv 4th-5th: full
Monday all girl adv: full
Preschool Weds: full
Pre school Tuesday 10-11:30: full
Friday Kinder 2-4pm: full

All other Push bikes are full

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