The 2013 FLC Cycling Squawker Road Classic is coming up on April 6th and 7th. With 3 races in two days it is quite an undertaking, especially for course marshals, but if you have a specialty, we’ll use you. If you aren’t racing – then perfect, come help us out. If you are planning on racing please do your part and find someone who can help out. We have 5 registration shifts and 5 course marshal shifts.

Sat. April 6
6:30am-9am – 4 people
10am-2pm – 2 people
2pm-5pm – 1 person
Sun. April 7
6:30am-10am – 2 people
10am-1pm – 2 people

Course Marshals-
Sat. April 6
7am-10am – 4 people
10:30am-2:30pm – 8 people
2pm-6pm – 8 people
Sun. April 7
7am-11am – 19 people
10:30am-3pm – 19 people

Please contact Hagen, Dave and please include desired shift, name, cell phone and email.
13 FLC Squawker Road Flyer

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