
REMEMBER – The races in Aztec this weekend are at the Tiger Sports Complex (not at the Riverside Park course as in the past). From the north, before entering Aztec proper (about a mile after the speed limit goes down to 45mph) there’ll be signs to turn left to Navajo Dam and Tiger Sports Complex – turn left and follow road to the end (not turning left again to go to the dam).

There may be some thorns/goatheads out there so it’d be a good weekend to have some Stan’s NoTubes Latex in your tires/tubes (but truly, all the time is a good time to have it in there).

There are races both Saturday and Sunday – 10am Men B/Open Women, 11am Men A/Men 35+ both days.

Attached the current points standings, Stan’s NoTubes 4CCX Series Standings
Dave Hagen

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