Devo Coach Chad is a BBBS Big and needs to help find some Bigs for the kids below. Contact BBBS if interested!
Devo Coach Chad is a BBBS Big and needs to help find some Bigs for the kids below. Contact BBBS if interested!

1) John, age 13: Loves video games, animals, reading, and doing Karate. In his free time he likes to go swimming, play board games, ride bikes. He thinks the best Big for him would be one who was kind, caring, energetic, and could help with his homework. John lives with his mom and could really use a male role model in his life.

2) Chris, age 13: Loves fishing, swords, science, video games, and going on the trampoline. When he grows up he wants to be a scientist or an adventurer. He believes a Big is someone who helps you out, respects you, and cares about you. He lives with his mom and younger brother and would like someone to get out and do new things with.

3) Noland, age 7: Noland is super energetic and loves biking, playing outside, trains, and doing fun adventures like going to the pumpkin patch. He is quiet at first but when you get him talking he loves to chat and has such a vivid imagination! He lives with his mom and needs a positive male role model in his life.

4) Phil, age 12. His interests are drawing, going to the Rec Center to hang out, soccer, and the anime series Dragon BallZ. He just moved to Durango and needs some help adjusting to life in a new town. According to his mom, the ideal Big for Phil would be someone young and energetic who would show Phil they cared about him and built up his confidence.

5) Ron, age 10. Ron is a sports guy through and though. He likes football, basketball, and just hanging out and being outside. He is very interested to learn how to skateboard and snowboard. He also is developing a love for reading and would like his Big to help him with his homework sometimes, when they aren’t playing sports together!

6) Rachel, age 9. Rachel is an active and energetic young lady. She likes doing gymnastics, swimming, baking, and arts and crafts. She is hoping for a Big Sister who can run around and play with her on the playground, do art, and go out for ice cream together.

Aubrey Beals

Community-Based Program Manager

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Colorado

72 Suttle St, Unit I (PO Box 2154), Durango, CO 81302

phone: (970) 247-3720

fax: (970) 385-8491


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