Dear Devo,
It is with great dejection that I write you that the U-14 season has ended. It was a good one, thank you for coming out and riding every week. There was impressive progression in many riders (Austin, Jake, Keiran, Andrew, George) and then there was a crew of awesome new devo-ites (Caleb, Jimmy, Andrew, Teddy, Lucius), also there was a contingent of devo professionals who continue to inspire (Keiran, George, Quinn, Perrin, Dylan). I saw improvement from every rider throughout the season and more importantly I saw great examples of you taking care of each other. Take care of other, take care of each other and take care of yourself. The great bear of a man Samuel Johnson said “Man alone is born crying, lives complaining and dies disappointed.” To those that are moving on from U-14 you will be missed, if you need anything, have questions or need literary guidance, you know how to reach me ( or 9707790163). Ride your bikes and smile when you do it because its fun.
Tuesday, the halloween ride, will leave Buckley park at 4pm. Wear a costume and patience because it will be a fun slow ride. Have fun.
Be well, have fun and take care of each other,

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