Bicycle races at the Irish Embassy Pub to coincide with the Pro Cycling Challenge

Picture it: four racers at a time for ten minute race lengths – on a stage upstairs in the Embassy, in the window overlooking Main Ave. For those interested in riding, slots will be filled starting at 8pm, with four riders every 15 minutes. The cost is $5 to participate, with all proceeds benefiting the Fort Lewis College Cycling Team. Each participant will receive a complimentary beer. Prizes will be awarded for first, second, and third place. To sign up to participate, contact Cindy Coleman at or 970-946-7660.

According to Wikipedia, bicycle rollers are a type of bicycle trainer that make it possible to ride a bicycle indoors without moving forward. However,unlike other types of bicycle trainers, rollers do not attach to the bicycle frame, and the rider must balance him or herself on the rollers while training. Durango’s history of roller races started back in 1990 with many of the town’s national and world champions competing over the years. The current record is near 44 mph average, but according to Fort Lewis College Cycling Team Director Dave Hagen, “someone is bound to beat it this year or throw up trying.”

“I hope that we get a lot of competitors signed up; it’s really a fun event,” said owner Phil Brennan. Winners will receive a $100 gift card to the Irish Embassy for first place, $50 gift card for second place, and $25 gift card for third place.

Arrive early for a special autograph signing from Team Garmin-Sharp-Barricuda (USA), including Durango’s own Thomas Danielson. Other team members include Tyler Farrar (USA), Nathan Haas (AUS), Alex Howes (USA)
Peter Stetina (USA), Christian Vandevelde (USA), David Zabriskie (USA), and Lachlan David Morton (AUS). Signing will start at the Irish Embassy at 7pm.

A big thanks goes out to Dave Hagen and the Fort Lewis College Cycling Team for helping to organize the event.

Listing info:
Roller Races
Irish Embassy Pub
900 Main Ave.
Friday August 20th
Autograph signing with Team Garmin-Sharp-Barricuda at 7pm
Roller races start at 8pm
$5 to participate – Proceeds benefit the Fort Lewis College Cycling Team
1st place: $100 gift card, 2nd place: $50 gift card, 3rd place: $25 gift card

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