Brendan Shafer will be the head coach of the AHS and DHS mountain bike team this Fall. Practices start Monday Aug 27th from 4:15-6:15 meeting at the rec center. Practices will be much like our u14/u19 practices. Both AHS and DHS students will practice together, but they will ride for their schools! (we need 5 from each school to pull that off).

The team will travel with Sarah Tescher in the Devo van to 2 team races Sept 9th in Nathrop and Oct 21st for State Championships (location TBA).

You do NOT have to race to practice with this team. If you think you will be traveling to a race or two, you will need to register with the Colorado League. Here is the link: I need to invite you so you’ll have to wait for that email. The registration in the Colorado League is called “PitZone.”

In Nathrop, we will be camping and more info will follow, but I will need a head count of athletes and parents to reserve the camp spot by next Wednesday.

Have an awesome practice and can’t wait for another sweet Fall session!

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