Todd Wells 3x Olympian
What makes you twitch? Fast vs. Slow Twitch Muscle
How much air is in your lungs? Lung volume and oxygen utilization
Why does my heart beat so fast? What the heart looks like at different rates
You tell me not to smoke, but why? Visual model of what smoking does to the lungs
Why does a fast food burger and soda slow you down? Basic nutrition
Why should I wear my helmet? Brain function
Why does my body occasionally hurt? Physical therapy assessment

The Durango Performance Center is offering a free event called “Physiology in the Park”. The presentation will analyze the body in motion, what happens as the intensity of exercise increases, and what limits our performance as determined by state of the art physiological analysis. It takes place in the Rotary Park and for kids and their parents from 5:30 until 8:00 PM on Thursday, August 16, 2012. Three time Olympian Todd Wells will be back from London to talk about the importance of understanding how the body works and answer questions from personal experience.

This is such great opportunity for all of Devo to learn more about our bodies on the bike.

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