Its true, yet another short track race is popping up tonight at FLC’s Factory Trails. FLC Cycling Director is throwing the FREE event in honor of the 16 amazing El Gruppo junior cyclists that are in town for the 4th year to attend the Dave Hagen week of Sweetness Cycling Camp. Every day Hagen schedules out amazing rides with local Hall Of Famers, local pros and then in-between has informative talks about general cycle racing and riding. Kids are lucky. Anyway, come on up tonight and have some fun with the visiting kids. B’s at 6pm and A’s at 7pm.

Howard takes 2nd in the Missoula Pro Mens ProXCT last weekend. Rumor has he couldn't have done it without the wednesday night short tracks!
Howard takes 2nd in the Missoula Pro Mens ProXCT last weekend. Rumor has he couldn't have done it without the wednesday night short tracks!

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