
Take the challenge!

Devo has partnered up with Safe Routes to school and the City of Durango to try and encourage kids to ride or walk to school! As well as advocate for safe routes for them to travel by! We have together partnered with Pro Cycling Challenge to challenge our kids to ride their bikes this summer! All rides can count towards your Devo rider earning miles for their school. Each school that complete the 518 mile challenge (same number of miles the pro cyclists will ride during the race this August) will get a special prize for their school! Devo will also be helping at the event leading up to the Pro Cycling: Bike Rodeo, Kids race as part of the Durango Enduro, and activities in Buckley the day of the first stage.

Gear Up and Take the Challenge! !
1. Go to www.saferoutescolorado.org/
2. Click on the “Register” button, under “Parent Login”
3. Enter the following information:
– Parent’s email address
– Website password (repeat to verify)
– Parent’s first and last name
– Parent’s phone number (optional)
– A name for your family “team” (a nickname that will be shown to others)
– Select your school district from the drop-down listing
4. Click “Add Student” to continue
5. Enter information about your participating child:
– Child’s first name
– Child’s year of birth
– Select your child’s school from the drop-down listing
– Select your child’s current grade from the drop-down listing
6. If you have another child participating in the challenge, click on the “Add Another
Student” button (and repeat step #5), if not, click “Save Changes”
7. Once you’ve completed your registration, you can select the “Enter Your Trips” option
under “trips” to begin logging your child’s walks and bicycle rides to and from school.
8. Click on the “Our Progress” option under “trips” to see how your family team is doing.
Privacy Policy – Saferoutescolorado.org To protect your privacy, we do not sell, share, or rent your
personal information in any way.

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