NEW!! Devo will offer two types of camps this year! One is in a natural setting at a Ranch near Vallecito called Wildnerness Trails Ranch. We will be incorporating trail building, a camp out, and pool time into these camps! We will also be keeping two weeks at DMR to continue using the lift and DMR trails as well as basing out of Hoodies. You really can’t go wrong in choosing which camp is best! Both locations are wonderful for riding and learning! Below are the dates:

July 23-27th Devo Summer Camp at Wilderness Trails Ranch ages 6-12
July 30-Aug 3 Devo Summer Camp at Wilderness Trails Ranch 6-12
Aug 6-10th Devo Summer Camp at Durango Mountain Resort 7-14
Aug 13th-17th Devo Summer Camp at Durango Mountain Resort 7-14

More info on the camps? contact Sarah at


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