The FLC Dead Squirrel TT series has begun and will continue Wednesday nights at 5pm. The Start/Finish is at Mountain Madness Brew Pub (formerly Sweeney’s) on the corner of HWY550 North and CR 203 (west side of the valley). The course travels north on CR 203, right on Trimble Lane, then a quick right onto HWY550 southbound and then a horseshoe right back onto CR 203 to finish where you started. It is a 15K TT (17-30minutes). Be sure to wear plenty of clothing, you can shed it for your ride, because when you are done it could be a very chilly ride home. Show up a little before 5pm to get your name on the start list. THESE TTs WILL HELP US DETERMINE TTT TEAMS FOR THE RACES ON OUR CONFERENCE SCHEDULE. WE WILL ALSO ENCOURAGE YOU ALL TO DO AN INDIVIDUAL TT THEN GET WITH A TEAM OF 4 TO DO THE COURSE AGAIN TTT STYLE! Open to all.

Dead Squirrel TT Schedule:
2/29/12 – 5pm – Mountain Madness
3/7/12 – 5pm – Mountain Madness
3/14/12 – 5pm – Mountain Madness
3/21/12 – 5pm – Mountain Madness
Dead Elk TT Schedule:
3/28/12 – 5:30pm – Trimble Crossing
4/4/12 – 5:30pm – Trimble Crossing
4/11/12 – 5:30pm – Trimble Crossing

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