Alicia Rose and brother Gino Pastore pose for a shot in Vermont last month. Alicia is off at University of Vermont and is on the college ski team and Gino is at Stratton Academy where he is also on the Nordic team. Both are doing great and loving Vermont. Gino will return in June to ride with Devo and Alicia will be off traveling the world with her new pro mtb team, BMC Development. The Pastores' have been a staple in the Devo program since day one. Special thanks to Jeanne and Mark for the years of amazing support. 63% of the photos you see on this blog are from Jeanne. Thanks so much!
Alicia Rose and brother Gino Pastore pose for a shot in Vermont last month. Alicia is off at University of Vermont and is on the college ski team and Gino is at Stratton Academy where he is also on the Nordic team. Both are doing great and loving Vermont. Gino will return in June to ride with Devo and Alicia will be off traveling the world with her new pro mtb team, BMC Development. The Pastores' have been a staple in the Devo program since day one. Special thanks to Jeanne and Mark for the years of amazing support. 63% of the photos you see on this blog are from Jeanne. Thanks so much!

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