The Dolores series cross race is this Saturday, Nov. 5th at Joe Rowell Park in Dolores. Here is the flyer for the race, Dolores CX flyer 2011 Registration is from 12:00-2:45pm and closes 15 minutes before race time. This is a USA Cycling sanctioned race so bring your USAC license!
1:30pm – Men 3/4, Women Open, 45 minutes
2:30pm – Citizen’s. Mtn Bike, 1 lap
3pm – Men’s Elite/1/2, Men 35+, 55 minutes
Awards: 4:30pm Dolores River Brewery

Here is the flyer for the FLCCX series, 11 Stan’s.FCCX Series Flyer

The Fort Lewis Cycling team puts on a great local cyclocross series every year. This years races will include stops at Cuba, Aztec, Dolores, FLC, Durango Fairgrounds and Cortez. There are events for all ages and abilities and it is great entertainment for spectators during the cold winter months. The Durango Devo Cross Team will have team races at FLC on November 20th and December 18th at Fort Lewis College.

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