Please Note; The CHSL State Championships have been rescheduled to November 12-13th in Castle Rock.
It’s time to recap another sweet Colorado High School League weekend with the Durango Composite team after heading to the 3rd race in the series. Team Director Sarah went with the team and here is what went down.

The weekend started with some doubts as to whether it even made since to drive 7 hours to a race. We are the team that travels more than any other team. While I did not want to pressure anyone, I did point out that we are in 2nd place in the league and if we miss a race, it would be impossible for the team to place. So, with the help of Dave, everyone got together and figured out how to send 6 athletes. Of course, the parents were the biggest part of making this happen!
Eli, Issac, Henry and I all arrived at about the same time to pre-ride together.

The race was held at a Boy Scout Camp 20 miles east of Colorado Springs. Wow! Those boy scouts are lucky as their camp was huge with lots of trails. Our pre ride was epically fun! We were playing around with passing lines! All 3 were pumped for the race! Then late night, Robin, India and Stephen came as they had PSATs that morning. What dedication! Stephen, with his permit, drove the whole way and Henry also dappled with driving. I can only guess that the parents’ anxiety during those times was higher than race time!

Morning of the race was colddddddddddd! Robin, India, Stephen and I headed out for our pre-ride on the course. It started out with a road climb into single track in the woods, then a bumpy climb to an open field where the wind blows hard, then back into sweet sweeping single track to finish on some rooty drops. Of course, everyone on the team nailed the corners and drops! India was the first to go off with Robin and 5 minutes behind. India had a girl to beat on her mind and Robin knew she was the one to beat with the leader jersey on! Both had super races, but both commented on cramping and heavy legs. Henry, Eli and Issac (first race ever) were next and it was so fun to watch Eli (who was also competing in his first race ever) came through first! All three finished together and spent most the race passing (gotta get those boys to the starting line early, early, early!!). Last was the big boy’s varsity race and Stephen got a spot on the first row. His division is soooo tough and competitive that even I get intimidated standing near the start! Stephen was having one of his best races passing 3rd and riding with 1st and 2nd. He looked to have the power to pass em! Then he too cramped. And anyone who cramps knows that it takes everything you have just to pedal in your granny gear back to the finish. Coaching lesson to be learned: quick spin even with head lamps after sitting for 11 hours!!!

I was hoping for a quick polo game before heading home, but alas the 7 hour drive needed to begin to get everyone home by 9 pm for school the next day….once again, can you believe the dedication? I stayed to clean up the course and collect the team’s two trophies and India’s medal. The team is still in 2nd just 90 points behind Vail Composite. The next race will be just as far to drive, but nothing deters this team whose passion shone bright this past race!

Coach Sarah

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