Missahoe-Thank-You-AkronThe purpose of the trip was to help raise funds for an orphanage project that a friend has been working with in the town of Kpando in Ghana. My friend Tim and I shot photos and video to help paint a picture of what is happening, needs of the project and basic documentation of the project.
They have started building a new orphanage with more suitable facility’s and space for orphans in the community.
The non-profit that has organized is credited to a Pediatric Doctor, Pat Maharr and traveling nurse Paige Hale who were on a medically mission volunteering at a local hospital. The doctor was out on a morning jog when he stumbled across an orphanage in need of some support.
Through friends and family, they were able to raise enough funds to insure the 32 kids and buy property to start the construction of a new building since the land owners were evicting the Orphanage on the 1st of the year from it’s current location.
The idea is to help build an infrastructure to a sustainable facility that then can be applied to any developing country in need of an orphanage.
Tim and I are helping develop the visual piece, website, logo, media to help spread the idea. We are putting together a photo show in Akron in the beginning of December. Also editing video footage into some kind of visual journey slash documentation of the project. -Jon Bailey

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