They just won their 5th consecutive mountain bike National Championships. There sure was a lot of Devo Alumni down in Angel Fire. Sorry no picture of Alumni Joe Schneider. He did great competing in all 4 events. Heres the full results.

Devo ALumni/Jr. Devo Coach/Sweet Elite Team Member and XC National Champ, Howard Grotts
Devo ALumni/Jr. Devo Coach/Sweet Elite Team Member and XC National Champ, Howard Grotts
U19 ALumni/U14 Assistant Coach Taylor Borucki
U19 ALumni/U14 Assistant Coach Taylor Borucki
RMCF Sweet Elite Team Member Colton Anderson
RMCF Sweet Elite Team Member Colton Anderson
U14 Boys Assistant Coach Lucas LeMaire
U14 Boys Assistant Coach Lucas LeMaire
U19 Alumni Hannah Madden riding for Colorado School of Mines
U19 Alumni Hannah Madden riding for Colorado School of Mines
U14 Girls Head Coach ANnie Cheeney shreds the XC
U14 Girls Head Coach Annie Cheeney shreds the XC

Photos by Devo Team Manager Chad Cheeney

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