Wednesday here at Devo means Alicia Rose Pastore is racing the junior womens World Championship cross country race in Switzerland. It will prove to be the greatest of challenged to date as the home country is known for their amazing junior talent. We will wish her the best of times and are sure she will end up smiling roses. Then on Thursday, its Howard Grotts’s turn to light up the worlds best juniors as he takes his game to the junior mens World Championship cross country event. Howard is a tagged man in his first year taking on the top juniors. His World Cup win put him on the globe, and now he’s across the sea to see what he can see. Best wishes to Howard as he puts his hard work and good times to the test. Then there is Ryder Okomura who will taking his second trip to worlds in the World Championship Trials event. Ryder coaches the Junior Devo summer camps at DMR and Jr Devo in the spring and fall. Kids are hopping all over the place because of him. Best of luck from all of us!

Alicia Rose Pastore defending her National Title in Sun Valley
Alicia Rose Pastore defending her National Title in Sun Valley
Howard Grotts storming to victory in Crested Butte
Howard Grotts storming to victory in Crested Butte
Ryder Okumur qualifying for worlds this spring
Ryder Okumur qualifying for worlds this spring

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