The Explorers head for the hills
The Explorers head for the hills

Explorer’s Expedition 816 17er 20ELEVEN:

Tuesday August 16th 8 a.m Buckley Park.
8 to 8:48 a.m. we will assess each Explorer’s bicycle and gear for the tour.

Overall peace of mind for packing
Efficiently LIGHT

Explorer checklist:
Camp Gear

packable late summer sleeping bag and compression sack (It has been in the high 30’s where we will camp)
light sleeping pad
Light backpacking tent if you have.  (we will group together and split up tents according on campers Tuesday a.m.)
Camp cup big enough for a meal, preferably stainless.
2 24 oz water bottles full of water and or a camelbak
Light pants and long sleeve (think less cotton, more light WOOL) for camp
Rain coat (hoods are sweet)
warm socks
warm undies
LIGHT camp shoe (if you have clip ins and don’t want to wear them after riding all day)
head lamp
small pocket knife
light beanie
sun tan lotion
ten squares of TP in a plastic zip lock

Bicycle Gear

As many water bottles your bicycle can take.
Rear pannier rack (if you have not dialed this in yet check with mom and dads garage or visit your local bicycle shop for racks and ask politely to have them mounted before Tuesday. note bicycle lemonade is out)  New racks range from 20 to 119 dollars.
2 Panniers for rear rack- borrow, buy,or hope we can scrounge some up for loan and dial you in Tuesday morning (TRY TO BORROW).   I am….
spare tube, patch kit, pump, multi-tool.
Tune your bicycles up for a tour.  If you have any questions on your ability on how to tune, ask a parent for tips, or take it to a local shop and ask a human.  Explain to them  ” I’m riding my bicycle into the mountains for a 2 days and an over night er, could you please check it over and tell me what is needed to do this safely? Thank you for your knowledge.”
Light bungees for strapping it all up, 2 to 3 needed max

Food Prep

Eat a nutritious filling breakfast Tuesday am before meeting at Buckley.
Bring a lunch and snacks for the day
Russ and I will purchase dinner and breakfast, you can pay us back Tuesday morning. bring cash money

Mental Prep

This is what we have been training for, be mentally ready to ride your bicycles for 2 days, camp, and survive just off the just bicycle.

Return 1:07 pm august 17th 2011 Buckley Park
totally explored

coach jon
and my

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1 Comment

  1. have fun, be safe, and realize how lucky you are.

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