Trailwork this Wednesday, August 31st at Overend Mountain Park. We will work on lopping on the Grabens loop. This is the trail between Hidden Valley and Perins Gulch (Slime Gulch). Please feel free to join us from 4:00pm to 6:30m pm. Wear/Bring: Long sleeve pants, shirt, sun hat, water and a hat.
From downtown Durango: From the intersection of Main Avenue and 9th Street, turn west and go across Hwy 550/Camino del Rio and across the Animas River. At the 3 way stop sign, turn right (north) on Roosa Avenue and follow Roosa to West 3rd. Turn left at the Needham Garen onto Arroyo and head 3 blocks west and park at the Arroya Trailhead. You will see the red Trails 2000 truck.

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