Tired, but happy with an all day roost fest!
Tired, but happy with an all day roost fest!

3 Devo teams participated in the 12 Hours of Mesa Verde. The U19 team of Stephen Davoust, Elliott Saslow, Sepp Kuss, and Levi Kurlander earned first in the Grommett class doing 9 laps!!!! The Devo U14 team of Henry Larson, Devin Feilien, Keenan Desplanques, and Wyeth Rosi earned 3rd and the rookie U14 team of Cameryn Sippy, Perrin Kileen, Keiran Eagen, and Dylan Williamson took 4th. Sweet Elite also earned a 2nd with Sage and Colton riding the fastest laps! U14ers River and Chase also rode on adult teams. There were many from Durango riding and cheering! A big thank you to everyone for your support!!!

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