Jr Devo is meeting for the first time this week and the FLC Cycling Team will be in charge of doing “bike fits” with the kids. Thanks to Darin Baer, Nate Byrom, Missy Erickson, Grady James, Colton Andersen, Bryan Morra, Ben Stalker, Dylan Stucki, lauren Catlin, Eric Emsky, Tilly Fields and Charlie McFarley for the help with this. You guys rock and good luck this road season.
They will work in groups of two or three and address the following:

  • An aproximate bike fit (checking brake lever angle, bar and saddle position ect).
  • Helmet Fit
  • A quick gear and brake adjustment
  • Tire check (breifly explaining pressures)
  • Overview of recommended clothing gear for bike rides

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