Its pretty cold and its was just winter, but the Durango Devo junior cycling clubs U19 Team is on the road training. The girls team coached by Elke Brutsaert started on the mountain bikes last week. It was an amazing group that led the small U19 girls squad. Ruthie Matthes, Willow Koerber, Mary Dishman came along to give the girls some stoke! They have been covering basic skills and riding the sweet town singletrack stash spots. The boys team started last tuesday and thursday with road rides. The valley on tuesday with the Sweet Elite Team and a snowy weather ride by the new Lake Nighthorse and on a few slippery dirt roads. Friday the team ran to FLC’s nice fields and played a game of soccer. Sierra Leone 3 – Scandinavia 1, MVP was Stephon with 2 goals and an assist.

Sign up for Devo Junior has been tapering off as most of the groups are near capacity. Their season begins in April and runs for 8 weeks during the school season. May 25th is going to be another amazing Jr DEVO Fun Race, location still TBA. Another fun thing, the new Devo Stryder group for early balance development, will be offered for the young-ins who want to ride with others. The coach should have a push bike as well!

And then the new Explorers Club will kick off on its mission in April as well. Meeting once a week during the school year, this group, coached by Jon Bailey, will ride and work their way to a 3 day/ 2 night biking adventure in the hills above Durango at the end of the summer. Mountain bikes with racks and panniers, to make the adventure complete, is the name of this game. This is going to be rad and we are getting numerous suggestions to create an adult program as well. We’ll see about that..

And then the middle school aged, Devo U14 boys and girls teams will begin on April 4th. It get actiony quick for them as the Devo Top Secret Training Camp will be the weekend of April 8-10 at a super secret location. Tons of riding, eating and trying to ride more. The 2 teams have a fun season of practice lined out and will be on the trails in just a few weeks.

Coach Brendan take the U19ers down the dirt road
Coach Brendan take the U19ers down the dirt road

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