It’s that time! U14/U19 meeting is at the rec center Tuesday Feb 22nd from 7-8 pm

Registration is 100% online this season…yahoooo!

Want to talk with your coaches? Give em a shout to talk about the up-coming season
U14 Girls Annie Cheeney 764-5758 (assistant coaches are Alicia Pastore and Jess Reed)
Rides are 4-6 on Mondays and Wednesdays
U14 Boys Chad Cheeney 764-5909 (assistant coach is Mint Henk)
Rides are 4-6 on Mondays and Wednesdays
U19 Girls Elke Brutsaert 749-2946 (assistant coach Sarah T, with guest coaches Teal Stenson-Lee and Jen Gersbach)
Rides are 4:15-6:15 Tues, Thurs, and Fridays
U19 Boys Chad Cheeney 764-5909 (assistant coach is Brendan Shafer)
Rides are 4:15-6:15 Tues, Thurs, and Fridays

Check out the pre-season at the Hub, Friday TT on Telegraph and summer short track series!

New this season: Devo Explorer’s Club for ages 11-18 led by John Bailey. Learn how to build a bike and use it as a tool for exploring, skill development, and non-competitive fun! Session ends with a tour/camping trip with panniers leaving from downtown Durango.
Rides are 4-6 Tuesdays

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