The FLC Cycling Team would like to invite the Durango Community to a Meet and Greet at Ska Brewing World Headquarters on Wednesday Feb. 23rd from 7-9pm. The FLC Cycling Team would not be where it is at without the very supportive community that supports it. We’d like to give you all a chance to meet the members of the FLC Cycling Team and get to know them other than through their exploits on bicycles. Most importantly, it is a chance for the team members to get to know the community that supports them. Please join us for the good times and pass it on to others who might be interested in joining. For more info please contact:
Dave Hagen
FLC Cycling Team Manager

In Short:
FLC Cycling/Supporters Meet and Greet
Wednesday February 23 7-9pm
Ska Brewing World Headquarters – 225 Girard St. Bodo Industrial Park

Coach Annies shorts say FLC and both Coach Chad and Annie went to FLC. So thats how this photo relates to the post.
Coach Annies shorts say FLC and both Coach Chad's arm and Annie went to FLC. So thats how this photo relates to the post.

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